
it looms above my head
it weighs upon my shoulders
it squirms inside my chest

constantly in motion
my hands twisting at my hair
my leg bouncing quickly
everything quivering

I ball my hands into fists
trying to hold myself together
as if this would keep me
from bursting apart

I am full of fear
it flows through my veins
I am saturated in it

if I could just let it go
unclench my fists
and burst apart

the fear would leave me
dripping from my pores
trickling away

then maybe I could stand
on the edge of the cliff
and stare downwards
without trembling

maybe I could write 
with complete confidence
and not erase my words
a thousand times

maybe I could be heard
when I shouted
instead of 
shutting up

the day I figure out
how to stop being afraid of failure
that would be the day 
my adventure began

I would climb
to the peak
of every mountain

I would lift a pen
of a pencil

I would fearlessly
raise my voice
and not back down

I would be
an adventurer
I would be



19 years old