first grade

The first day of first grade my mom woke me up with breakfast sandwiches. It was waffles,bacon,egg and cheese. Then after we finished breakfast we rushed to school. I was super excited. Then we got there and the principal started talking. It was boring for the next half an hour. Then we went and the teacher was reading to us for about half an hour. Then we learned a few letters and numbers . Then we got to play at recess. so I played in a sandbox. I had a few friends I was playing with. We played with bulldozers and dump trucks. We had pink and purple sand in the sand box. Two of my friends got into an argument. They started throwing sand at each other. Then we all got yelled at even though it was just them. After we got yelled at we all lined up and went inside. After rushing into the classroom  to wash our hands and lined up to go to lunch. I don't remember what we had for lunch but I'm sure it was something gross. Then we had reading for the rest of the day. Then I took the bus home and my mom was waiting at the bus stop for me and my brother.




19 years old