Framed by Fate (A fox story)


Framed by Fate 


Moon group: 

Alpha: Crater (A gray fox with brown eyes, M) 

Beta: Song (A arctic fox with blue eyes, M) Trainer to Aspen (A Black fox with silver socks, and blue eyes, F) 

Healer: Branch (A Island fox with yellow eyes, F) 

Serving Foxes: 

Claw (A red fox with amber eyes, M) 

Light (A golden fox with yellow eyes, M) 

Forest (A swift fox with amber eyes, F) Trainer to Moonwalker (Aka Moon) (A silver and white fox with green eyes, F) 

Spirit (A gray fox with blue eyes, F) Trainer to Sunset (A white fox with blue eyes, M) 

Tree (A bat eared fox with blue eyes, F) 

Moss (A swift fox with green moss-colored eyes, F) Trainer to Aspen (A black fox with orange patches and green eyes, F) 

River (A corsac fox with green eyes, M) 

Waterfall (A small Bengal fox with black eyes, M) 


Viper (A snappy mean south American grey she-fox silver eyes, (grandmother to Sunset and Moonwalker)) F 

Hiss (A pale all bark no bite, swift fox with chocolate eyes, M)                                 

Omega: Puff (A pale fox with yellow eyes, M) 


Stone Group: 

Alpha: Rock (A red fox with amber eyes. M) 

Beta: Dawn (A black fox with blue eyes, F) 

Healer: Aurora (A Silver/Swift hybrid fox with green eyes, F) 

Serving Foxes: 

Mist (A black fox with amber eyes, F) 

Fog (A Silver fox with amber eyes, M,) 

Rain (A gray fox with blue eyes, M) 

Shiver (A arctic fox with blue eyes, F) 

Scarlett (A red fox with amber eyes, F) 

Crystal (A arctic fox with green eyes, F) 

Cliff (A black fox with green eyes, M)  


Blue (A gray fox with blazing blue eyes) 

Violet (A cape fox with violet eyes) F 

Willow (A sweet brown and black fox with gentle green eyes) 

Omega: Worm (A violent, ugly gray fox with torn fur and yellow eyes, M) 


Storm Group: 

Alpha: Lightning (A yellow fox with amber eyes, F) 

Beta: Thunder (A red fox with green eyes, M) 

Healer: Akira (A arctic fox with green eyes, F) 

Serving Foxes:  

Horizon (A swift fox with blue eyes, F) 

Midnight (A black energetic fox with white paws, M) 

Cloud (A arctic fox with amber eyes, M) 

Storm (A gray fox with green eyes, F) 

Fire (A red fox with a fluffy white tail) 

Burn (A red fox with green eyes, M) 

Wolf (A grey fox that is a fox/wolf hybrid, F) 

Parrott (A white and black fox with green eyes, F) 

Owl (A brown fox with a lighter brown mask and green eyes, M) 

Crow (A sleek black fox with amber eyes, M) 

Fluff (A artic fox with adorable blue eyes, the youngest Serving fox, F) 


Cliff (A gray fox with deep brown eyes, F) 

Omega: Vermillion (A red fox with amber eyes and a flank long scar down is face, neck and back, M) 


Sky group: 

Alpha: Cloud (A arctic fox with green eyes, M) 

Beta: Star (A black fox with green eyes, F) 

Healer: Mountain (A red fox with amber eyes, M) 

Serving foxes: 

Sun (A golden fox with blue eyes, F) 

Crack (A gray fox with yellow eyes, M) 

Peak (A black and white fox with amber eyes, F) 

Copper (A orange-brown fox with amber eyes, M) 

Silver (A gray fox with green eyes, F) 

Gold (A golden fox with amber eyes, F) 

Bronze (A light brown fox with green eyes, M)  

Blaze (A brown fox with blue eyes, M) 

Shine (A arctic fox with blue eyes, F) 

Omega: Whisp (A pale gray fox with blue eyes, F, formally of Moon group- was taken prisoner by Sky group, and put in omega position) 


Known loners: 

Autumn (A red fox with blue eyes, F, formally part of Moon group) 

Smog (A gray fox with black eyes, M, formally part of Stone group) 




Groundwalkers: Humans 

(Shiny) Metal thing: Cars 

Hard mesh: Cage 

Omega: The lowest rank a fox can have 

Alpha: Leaders 

Vixen’s: Female foxes 

Beta: The second in command 

The thirsting sickness: A sickness. Hardly anything can stop it. It causes the fox to pass out constantly, draining their energy, till they die 



“You’ll never be able to be half the fox your father was!” A green-eyed vixen screamed. The gray fox advanced on her, brown eyes flashing.  

Are you threatening me?” He snarled. 

No!” She hissed, “I’m just saying, our father would have settled this in no time, but here we are, falling apart because YOU challenged him when we all were struggling to survive.” 

He snarled, tail bristling in fury. His muscles were bunched, as though he was about to leap, when A young silver fox stepped out. 

“Please stop, what good is this doing, when all of us are fighting?” he called, “Please.” He whispered to the vixen. 

“Stay out of this!” She snarled; Looking miserable. She turned her gaze back to the gray fox, baring her teeth. 

“Step down from you’re position or the whole group may fall.” She barked. 

The gray male laughed; “Never! The group won’t fall, it will rise!”  

The female shook her head, disappointment in her gaze. She turned to the young fox, 

“What can I do?” She murmured, “He’s unbeatable. We can’t stay here when we fall apart. We must leave. Now” The silver male nuzzled her head reassuringly. The vixen turned her furious gaze back on the gray male.  

“Brother. We’ll leave, Both of us.” She said, turning to her mate. “If that's ok with you, of course.” The silver male dipped his head, 

“Of course, I'll leave. You will destroy us.” He said looking to the grey fox. Then the two silver foxes turned away, together, and started to walk away from the camp. Then she paused and shot a look at an elderly vixen, who had two young fox kits curled up at her paws. Keep them safe, please. She thought. Then the older Vixen nodded, as though reading her mind. The young vixen turned away forever.  

Or was it... 














Chapter One:  

My paws were stuck to the ground, bound there by ice that crawled up my legs. I was the coldest I had ever been. I looked down at my paws to see the Ice sparkle. I Cocked my head in confusion; because ice doesn’t sparkle. I growl under my breath as I hear a voice coming up behind me. I turned my head, so far, that it started to hurt. I hear the haunting voice getting closer; now coming from everywhere at once.  

Once you remembered, now you do not. Find the embers that stay in the stones, or all will be lost, everywhere. And beware of the craters that destroy the moon. I looked down at my paws, and to my surprise they were free! But as I started to get excited, I let out a scream of terror, as I saw my paw waver, and turn into talons.  

And it is time for you to see who you really are. I hear the voice say. I glanced back down to see that my whole legs and chest were now covered in scales. One second later It all went dark, and I felt my face; now it was not my face, and it was covered in scales. 

I woke up panting. I was scared to look at my paws, but I did, and I saw that they were my own four paws. 

“Groundwalkers! Moon, what was that? You were scrambling around all night, making so much noise.” My brother, Sunset whimpered. “Are you ok?” 

“Yeah. I’m ok, I think.”  

“You THINK? Really Moon, you don’t seem ok, did you have another dream?” he asks. 

“No, it was not another dream, at least I hope not.” I whimper; scared out of my fur. My brother sighed. 

“You really need to tell someone about these dreams, Moon.”  

“Groundwalkers, No!” I cried, shocked. He shrugged it off, and padded off when his trainer, Spirit called to him. I sighed as he left, for now I was all alone in the den. My head went fuzzy and A flash of light engulfed me and sank me into darkness. 

I opened my eyes to see that I was on a beach, the beach between Moon group and Stone group. I was standing in front of a battle, where I saw my group and Stone group clashing, casting shadows in the faint sunlight. I gasped in disbelief as I saw our Alpha, Crater, Sprawled out in front of me, dead.  

I took a sharp breath of horror as I saw more of my groupmates fall and lie still. Soon after that, I saw my brother’s Crush; Aspen, fall to the ground. she had blood gushing out from a gash in her flank. Stone group stood triumphantly over my group as the few of us left, fled away from the blood bath. I fell over in relief as I saw no dead body of Sunset. In a flash I was back in my nest again, breathing hard, my ears pinned back. I glanced up to see my trainer Forest standing over me, a puzzled look on his face. 

“Moon, Get up, Its time for training. Do you feel well?” he says as I stand up and fall back down. 

“Yeah.” I breathe, “I’m Fine, I just tripped over my paws.” I say, not wanting to lie to him. He shrugged and walked out of the den, gesturing to me to follow him. I blink, as the sun glared into my eyes. I glanced over at the prey pile, to see if there was anything I could eat before we started training. I saw Sunset over there munching on a mouse. 

“Sunny!” I call, as I ran over; Using his nickname. His eyes lit up as he saw me running over. 

“Moon! Want to help me finish my mouse? I am stuffed.” He burped. I laughed and crouched beside him and gulped down the remains of the mouse. 

“Moonwalker, come on now, We’re late!” Forest called, from the camp entrance. 

“Coming!” I call, saying a quick goodbye to Sunset, I turn and Trot towards him. We jog out of camp and turn a corner to stumble to a halt. Groundwalkers were swarming around the place, shouting at each other, with their ugly small pink mouths. I glanced at Forest, who had fury written all over his face. 

“What should we do? They destroyed the training grounds!” I whisper, Breaking the silence. Forest did not respond, he just managed to look even more Furious. He flicked his tail over my mouth. I was about to move it away but then I saw the groundwalkers. They were walking towards the Camp, with long metal sticks. I heard forest mutter; ‘Oh no, not Boom sticks!’ But as soon as they were out of ear shot, I heard Forest start to speak.  

“Moonwalker. Run as fast as you can back to camp. Warn the group.” He growls. I dip my head in submission. I dash as fast as I can back to the camp. I tried and leap through the camp entrance but misjudged my leap and crashed right through the bramble wall. 

Moon!” Sunset cried, “What are you doing here. You are supposed to be training.”  

“I know, But I need to tell Crater something.” I speak. As Sunset opened my mouth, I mutter a quick ‘Sorry’ to him, and dashed straight to are alpha’s den. “Crater! The groundwalkers have destroyed the Training grounds, and they are coming here now!” 














Chapter Two: 

I took deep breaths; trying to calm myself down. 

“The groundwalkers are coming. Me and Forest were going to the training grounds, and when we got there, we saw all the Groundwalkers prowling around it, the sand and trees were torn up. It was no longer a place we once knew.” I wanted to continue, but the expression on his face was enough to stop me. 

“Then that means they will be here very soon.” he muttered under his breath. Then he leaped out of his den and barked. 

“Group! The Groundwalkers are coming for us. We need to move. If we get separated meet at Aspen grove.” Then in a quieter voice he murmured. 

“Moonwalker. I need you to go find Forest and then meet us at the aspen grove. If you do not come back, then I will send a search party for you and Forest, don’t get caught, Understand?” 

I dipped my head and scurried off towards the used-to-be training grounds. I ducked and twisted away from the branches and brambles. As soon as I was in the meadow, I ran. I was out of breath as I reached the training grounds. I quickly put my nose to the ground and tried to find Forest’s scent. After a quick moment of searching, I found it. I sped up, jogging after the scent. I burst out of the bushes, and into the training grounds. 

“No!” I gasp as I see Forest in the hands of a Groundwalker. They shoved him into a cage and put him in a shiny metal monster. Even from a distance, I could see how he was struggling to get free. I looked around, checking for any groundwalkers, Then I raced up to him. His eyes widened as he saw me. 

“Moonwalker! Leave!” he gasped. I heard the rumble of a groundwalker approaching. I ducked under the metal thing, as the groundwalker walked by. As soon as they were gone, I was up and trying to free my teacher. First, I tried to gnaw through the hard mesh. But when that didn’t work, I jumped up into the back of the shiny thing and pushed it out of the Metal thing. The mesh crashed onto the ground and cracked. The crack was just big enough for Forest to squeeze through and run to safety. 

“Run!” I shout at Forest, as he scrambles out of the mesh. We run as fast as we can, until we are far enough away from the groundwalkers. “We need to meet the group at the aspen grove.” I say to Forest. He dips his head, not wanting to waste his breath while talking. We ran straight to aspen grove, not stopping for anything. Soon we burst into the grove. All our group was there. Crater came walking over to us, concern on his face. 

“Forest! We thought we lost you. And you.” He said Turning to me. 

“I’m sorry Crater. It just took me a bit to get him free.” I said, tilting my head to Forest. 

“Free?” He asked. 

“Yes. Forest was captured by the groundwalkers. I had to get him free.” I responded. 

“Ah.” Crater said, tilting his head, in an odd way, as though he was staring through my soul. I shook my head, trying to clear it. It was impossible. No one could do that. I cleared my throat.  

“Crater? Um, May I leave?” I ask. Crater flicked his tail and looked like he was returning from earth. 

“Ye-yes, of course.” he muttered. His bushy tail flicked repeatedly. I scrambled over to Viper, who was my grandma. The only family apart from Sunset, That I knew of. 

“Moon, Dear! You are back! I thought you would never come back. Because then I would be stuck with annoying Sunset. Just kidding!” She rasps as Sunset shot her a glare. 

“Grandma? Can I ask you a question?” 

“Of course, dear! Anything you want to know if I can answer it.” She laughs. 

“Do you know anything about my mother and father?” I ask. Her eyes widen as I say those words. 

“What do you want to know about them?” She quires. 

“Um, if they're still alive, if they know we are alive, if they are alive, do they miss us? And so on.” I see my grandma wince, clearly the words hurt her. “I’m sorry, for whatever I did.” I whisper, trying to sound sorry. But really, I wanted to know why it hurt her so much. My grandma took a deep breath. 

“I know I promised your parents that I would not tell you anything, but I will say That they are still alive. I won’t tell you where they are or who they are, or their names, but they are still alive and well.” I gasped. My parents were alive and not dead.  

“Please grandma, tell me, I want to know, wait no, I need to know, please!” I beg. She sighed. 

“Oh Moon, I can’t. I very much sorry.” She murmurs. I sigh, knowing that I won’t be able to pry anymore information out of her.  

“Now, Moon, find your nest. Its dark out, and we must be refreshed for tomorrow.” She turns and pads over to her makeshift nest and neatly plops down onto it. She closed her eyes and soon she was snoring.  

I sighed and curled up on the grass, for I had not had time to make a nest. I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep. I squirmed and wriggled but could not go to sleep.  

I padded out of camp and sprinted for half a mile to reach the moon lake. I stared at the reflected moon and stars. Moon lake is the border between My group and all the other groups. It used to be part of Moon group's land but eventually it became the center of the territories. 

“Hey, who are you?” A voice calls from behind me. I whirl around to see a strange fox standing beside me. I growl as they step closer. 

“Who are you?” I ask. I sniffed the air; this was not a fox from any of the other groups. “And why do you smell weird?” He laughs. 

“I’m not from the groups, I'm a traveler.” he says. 

“Then how do you know of the groups?” I quire. 

“Well, my mother used to be of a group called Moon group. Does that ring a bell?” I gasped, this fox's mother was from moon group, how did I not know of her. Then it hit me, this fox was the offspring of Autumn, our group's biggest traitor. I growl, and stalk towards him. 

“Hey! What are you doing?” He shouts. 

“Your mother is Autumn, right?” I shouted at him furiously. He nods, shock lighting his gaze.  

“I recognize you, my mother knew you at an early age. And she told me your parents are… No. Wait yes.” He shook his head “ 

Then you must be the offspring of...” he tilted his head, and I gasped; I was about to learn who my parents were. “That means your parents are Aurora and Fog!” 




























Chapter Three: 


I stood there shocked, and shook my head, those weren't foxes from our group. I gasped as I realized that those were foxes from another group! I let him go and ran towards the camp. 

“Wait!” He calls, “Where are you going?” 

“Just go!” I shouted at him. “Either leave or I will tell our leader about you and Autumn. But if you leave, then I won’t tell him about you both.” I scramble up the slope, slip a couple of times, then race towards the camp. I leap into the camp, and over to Viper. 

“Grandma, Viper, wake up!” I pant. She groggily opens her eyes and looks at me. 

“Ugh, Moon why? It's the middle of the night.” She rasps. 

“I know grandma, but you don’t need to tell me who are parents are...” She gasps, shock filling her eyes. “Because I know who they are, Aurora and Fog! Of stone group.” 

“No... I don’t believe it. How did you know? Who told you?” She whimpered. 

“NO.” I say, “I don’t need to tell you that, I need to know why they're in Stone group, and not Moon group.”  She flinches away from me as I advance towards her.  

“I’m sorry Moon. I wanted to tell you, but I made a promise to your mother and father.” She burst into tears. “I promise you Moon, If I was allowed to tell, I would.” She whispers. I hear a gasp behind me, and I turn around to see Sunset staring at me. 

“What! Are parents being alive and there in Stone group?” He gasped, ‘So much information at once! I need to lay down.” he plops down on the bracken and soft grass, that lined his nest. I glared at Viper. I knew that my rage was reflected in my eyes, but I did not care. I knew that Viper had known my parents were in Stone group and they were living happily, with Food and love. I growl at Viper, then turned away from her and collapsed onto the ground. 

“Moon... Please.” I turned my head away from her. I closed my eyes, and sleep finally came to me.  

I woke up and licked my chops. I was starving. I stood up and padded over to the make-shift prey pile. I picked out a squirrel and padded over to a grassy area. I sat down and started eating my squirrel. I heard paw steps behind me. I sighed as I scented Viper. I turned around and saw that her face was covered in tears. 

“I’m sorry-” She starts. 

“Don’t be, I’m sorry, I shouldn't have blamed you, please forgive me. Will you?” I answer. She sniffles. 

“Of course, I will, I mean, you are my grandchild. I forgive you, but do you forgive me, it's fine if you don’t, I lied to you.” 

“Yes, I forgive you, want some?” I sniffled, pushing my squirrel in front of her. She smiled, I smiled too, happy that the argument was over. We laid down together and lapped up the dew that was on the grass, from last night's rain. I yipped happily as Sunset came padding up to us. He spoke but I didn’t hear his words, I was too Busy thinking about the fox I had met last night. I shook myself as I remembered that he was the son of Autumn. I looked around to see Viper looking at me, 

“Are you ok? You don’t look fine.” She asked. I nodded. Then I walked over to Crater 

“Crater? May I go on a hunting expedition?” and again he was giving me the weird, unsettling stare. 

“Yes of course.” he responded, as though nothing had happened. I padded out of camp and took a trail that was full of prey, and that I usually took. But today it was empty, there were no calls of birds, or even the small scuttles that mice made. I heard a crackling sound, coming from around the corner. I took a step forward and realized that I had started smelling smoke. When I stepped around the corner, I realized that in fact there was a fire. I stood frozen in place as I started to see figures in the leaping flames. I saw a silver fox, and a moon and the fox crushing the moon, Then I heard a Voice, that repeated the dream; Once you remembered, now you do not. Find the embers that stay in the stones, or all will be lost, everywhere. And beware of the craters that destroy the moon. I blinked, and the figures and the fire disappeared. I stepped back, breathing hard. 

“The Craters must mean Crater, And the Moon must mean Moon group?” I whispered. Then I heard a growl behind me, I quickly turned around and came face to face with Crater, 

“What are you doing, talking about me destroying the whole group, because that's stupid.” 

“I’m sorry Crater, I must have just been misunderstood, maybe it means that that moon will have to do something.” I say, standing taller. 

“From what I heard, was that the moon will be the one who destroys the crater, aka Me.” He growls, “And the Moon means, YOU!” He shouts. I take another step back, 

“What? I would n-!” I shriek as he leaps at me, claws out. He lands on me and starts ripping his claws through my pelt. 

“Group!” He yowls, “Group help me, this brain-dead fox attacked me.” I tried to fling him off, but he just stood there. I scratched him, trying to get him off me. The group raced up. We sprang apart, bleeding from many cuts. And to my surprise he was bleeding worse than me. He panted when he was not that badly hurt. The whole group gasped, while Crater struggled to breathe. After he got his breath back, he shouted; 

“This fox has done a terrible crime! They must be exiled!” 

“What! No! I did not do such a thing.” I scream. “HE attacked me, I would never attack him.” I looked at the crowd, and from what I could see was that they believed Crater over me.  

“Please, most of you know I have always been a fox that wants peace, not a fox that wants to hurt others.” Some of the foxes were nodding, but to my dread, most of them had disapproving expressions. “Please...” I said, trying again to convince them that it was true. Sunset bounded up to me, eyes flashing. 

“Moonwalker! What were you thinking, attacking the leader!” He screamed and turned away from me.  

“Sunset wait, please.” I whispered. “Viper? Don’t YOU believe me? You're my grandma.” But she also turned her head away from me. I gasped heart broken. I felt a tear slip down my face. I shook it away, now was not the time to cry, I had to be brave. Crater sighed; 

“This is not my favorite part of being alpha.” He sighed then continued, “I call upon the lost spirits of the dead, this fox has attacked me, I am forced to exile her, from now on her name is no longer Moonwalker, it is now Crater Killer, and no one in the group may dare speak of her, or they will be driven into exile to!” He laughed, “Not that I would care of course!” He crackled "Now go and never come back” I panted hard, not believing that this was happening. 

“Go Crater killer! And never come back!” 

I ran away from the laughing group. As the night wore on, I just kept running. I ran through the other groups territory, not caring if They found me. I started crying, as I realized that my parents were living happily ever after, while their child was being driven into exile. Finally, I found a place to sleep. I laid down and slipped to sleep.  

When I woke up in the morning, my fur was soaking. It had rained in the night, and it was still drizzling. I sighed and got up. I was starving, I had not eaten any food since last night. I put my nose to the ground and quickly found a scent. I followed the scent until I saw the rabbit. It was munching on some grass. I stealthily padded closer to it. When I was close enough, I pounced. I landed squarely on it and delivered the killing blow. I dug into it, eating fast. Soon my hunger was gone. When I finished, I sat down to pick the small brambles and sticks from my fur. I growled as I tugged on a stick, and it didn’t come out. Soon I just gave up. I stalked over to the river, that was a quick walk over to it. I crouched down, and lapped the cool, fresh water. It refreshed me. I looked around for any healing herbs that I knew of. There! Burdock leaf was good for getting rid of infections from wounds. I ran up to it and picked it up. I chewed it until it was a pulp. I spat it out and onto my wounds. They stung for a second, but the pain soon disappeared. I stalked over to the water the burdock sour on my Tongue. I lapped water until the taste washed away. I started to go on a walk because they helped me calm down. I padded on the riverbank, until I reached the place where I sometimes came when I was mad. I looked around to make sure no one else was there. Then when I saw that the cost was clear, I sat down and closed my eyes. I listened to the river’s flow. Soon my mind was filled with peace. The silence was broken when I heard paw steps, coming from behind me. I opened my eyes, to see a fox. I gasped in surprise, as I realized that I could see through him. 

“Ahh! Who are you?!” I hiss, scrambling away from him. He laughed. 

“Young foxes these days, Have no respect for their elder spirits!” I could hear that his voice was cracking from age. I wondered why I could see him, Usually the spirits I saw were glittering with moonlight. 

“Don’t be like that, young un. I was exiled from the groups too. Thats why you don’t see me as a Moonlight. I’m not part of them, and I never wanted to be.” He rumbled. I dipped my head and murmured, ‘Sorry.’ I lifted my head; 

“How did you get into my dreams, if you’re not A moonlight?” I asked.  

“Oh, that question, I get one a lot, I’m only able to get into your head because You have also been exiled.” he says, dipping his head. I grumble in annoyance.  

“But why are you here?” I finally say. 

“Because I need to give you a warning. Stone group will attack Moon group tomorrow, and your old group may fall. That part is likely to happen.” I laugh. 

“Why do I care what happens if they fall, all they ever did to me was exile and try to kill me.”  

“Yes, I know that, But Viper and Sunset are still there, and in danger. I can see them dying if you don’t save them.” He speaks. I gasped and leaped in front of him.  

“Send me back to the real world. Now!” I growl-bark. He dips his head in Farwell and fades into nothingness. I opened my eyes. I squinted as the bright sunlight glared into my slitted eyes. I jumped up and raced; taking the same path as I did the day before, towards the camp. I skid to a halt as I realized that Crater would have me killed. I paced Around the clearing, thinking about what to do. Then I raced to the moon group border. I would wait until a patrol came, and then I would see if Sunset was there. And just for my luck, I saw Sunset, pad out of the brush. 

“Sunset!” I cried, leaping out of my hiding spot. He growls. 

“Crater Killer! What are you doing here traitor!” He stalks towards me, fangs bared. 

“Please Sunset. Trust me. Crater attacked me, I promise. I would never attack him!” I plead. His tail drops; A hopeful look in his eyes. 

“Really! Is that true!?” he cries.  

“It really is.” He shrieks in delight as he realizes that I was not a murderer. He leaps at me, and bowls me over. I laughed so hard that it was hard to breathe.  

“Get off! Please.” I yip. He jumps off me, then he leans over and licks my cheek in affection.  

“Listen, tomorrow Stone group will attack our group, you need to warn them.” I pant. His expression changed in a second, from happiness to horror. 

“What! Why would they do that? We did nothing to them. And how will I tell Crater that I know this? What if he guesses that it was you? He will” He muttered. 

“Listen. Sunset, tell him that you overheard Stone group talking about an attack tomorrow.” I nudge him, trying to comfort him. He sighs and dips his head. 

“I hope you’re right about this Moon.” I beamed in pleasure as he used my old name. 

“I am, I promise. Now go! Tell Crater and save the group!” I shouted. He turns around and scampers towards the camp. 

“Meet me here tomorrow morning if you can.” I shouted after him. He nods at me, not looking back. I rolled my eyes; He needs to start being more... I thought; No, I won’t think that. Shaking my head. 

After he left, I took a nice long walk back to the place I slept last night. By the time I got there, it was the afternoon. I started gathering reeds, moss, and grass. I wove a nice, sturdy nest, lined with the softest grass and moss I could find. Then I went out and caught food for my dinner. As soon as I got back, I started to eat. After I was full of my dinner, I sat down and stared at the stars. I started to believe that the stars and moon were singing to me. I drifted into a dreamless sleep. 

I blinked my eyes open to see the sun glaring down at me. My heart lurched as I remembered that I had to go meet Sunset. I set off towards the meeting place. I neared it I stared to hear rustling in the bushes. I tried to ignore it, but it just got louder and louder. Finally, I came to a halt and looked around. The bushes were shaking as though they were alive. A cinnamon-colored snout poked out of the bushes, it moved, and a small lean body slid out. It bared its small teeth at me. I smothered a laugh. I reached out with my snout to grab it, but it slithered away from me. One second, I heard a chirping sound, Then I was swarmed with small cinnamon-colored bodies. Curse these things! I thought. I hissed in pain as they bit me in sync, then as I grabbed for a small one; they all drew away, as though I attacked them all. I yelped as I realized that all their eyes were pitch black with a fleck of red. I heard a short, quick bark; that sounded like a fox. Then to my surprise, the cinnamon-colored things slid into the bushes, and disappeared. I gasped for breath, hardly daring to give up my defensive stance.  

“Moon! Moon! Are you here?” A voice called. I whirled around to see Sunset glancing around to see if I was here. 

“Here!” I called. His face brightened as he saw me. He nuzzled my face. “Did you tell Crater? If you did; did he believe you?” He grinned, 

“Yep! He believed me. At least I think so.” 

“What did he say about it?” I whispered. 

“Well, he said, ‘curse those foxes,’ and; ‘they wouldn't dare attack us.’ But I still think he believed me.” I smiled. “And I owe it all to you, Moonwalker.” He continued. I turned my head away from him. 

“Moon?” He said gently. “Are you okay?” I kept my head turned away from him. He nudged my head towards him. “Moon.” he sighed. “Please tell me what's wrong.”  He murmured. I sighed and looked him in the eye. 

“What good is it to have visions, if I can’t tell them myself?” I whispered. His face softened. 

“Oh Moon, I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” 

“It's fine, I’M fine.” I say, making myself believe it, even though it was false.  

“Moon.” he coaxed, “Just tell me the full truth.” He spoke. I took a deep breath, 

“I hate that I can’t be there to help you win the fight, I hate that I can’t tell Crater myself, and most of all I hate that I'm dragging you into this.” I looked away from him, “You should leave Sunset, before anyone else see’s you.” 

“I agree.” A new voice says. 









Chapter 4: 

I gasped; this was exactly what I had dreaded; Someone finding out that Sunset was sneaking out of camp to meet me. I whirled around, to come face to face with a Vixen I didn’t know. I felt Sunset wince. From that, I could tell he knew this, Vixen. 

“Vine! Please don’t tell anyone about this.” Sunset begged. The vixen laughed. 

“Really! You think I won’t tell Crater about this, just because you ask! Is that how you think the world works? I’m Crater’s Beta, of course I’ll tell him.” 

“Beta?” I say confused. “I thought that Song was the beta.” Sunset sighs, shaking his head.  

“Well Song was the beta until last night, when Crater moved her down to the serving foxes.” The vixen says. “And now I'm the beta.” 

“But who are you? I don’t recognize you. And I was part of Moon group, just two days ago.” 

“I’m Vine, and I just joined the group last night. But luckily for me I was already friends with Crater! I mean I am his littermate, so... Yes. Come on Sunset, I’m taking you to Crater, and as for you, here’s some advice; Stay away from moon group and all the groups! All you are, is a punk who wants to hurt others. I know that for a fact because you attacked my little brother!” She snarled in my face, Saliva dribbling from her mouth. She turned towards Sunset, grabbed his scruff, and started dragging him away. 

“Hey!” I shouted. “Leave my brother alone, you coward!” I leaped at her, growling and snapping my jaws. I scratched at her flank, with my claws. She growled in fury as my jaws met her tail. She let go of Sunset and leaped at me.  

We tumbled onto the ground, lashing out with our claws and teeth the whole way. I yelped, as her claws, pulled out tufts of my silver fur. Then she disappeared from me, because Sunset shoved her off. I leaped up, seething in fury as I saw her pinning Sunset down, and then she bent her head down to bite his throat.  

I scrambled into her just in time to stop her from killing him. I lashed out and accidentally slashed her throat. She fell onto the ground, not breathing. My brother leaped over to me. But I was in a trance, so I didn’t see him before he bowled me over. 

“You saved me Moon!” He whimpered; nuzzling my face. I took deep breaths, my breath ragged. “It's ok Moon. You didn’t mean to kill her.” I looked down at my paws in shame; 

“But Sunset, He’ll never let me join now.” I whimpered. He cocked his head. 

“He won’t have to know. He’ll find her body here, and he’ll never know who did it.” Sunset growls. I hear a crunching sound behind me, I whirl around to come face to face with Crater. He bared his teeth, snapping at me. I yelped and backed away.  

“How dare you kill my sister!” He screamed; leaping at me. I thrust my hind legs towards him. He yelped like a kit. I leaped over Sunset, who was trembling in shock, “Back off Stupid.” I bark; making him flinch away. His eyes glare at me, hatred flashing in his eyes. He Crouches, beginning to leap, but then his eyes glaze over, and he collapses. My fur begins to prickle, as though someone was watching me. I back away from the clearing. I turn away from the other two, and race away, towards my den. I’m running so fast that I can hardly see. I tried blinking away the shadows that started to crowd my vision. I started to realize that the shadows hurt. I gasped in shock and pain as I realized that I was starting to see red in the back of my eyes. I shut my eyes, trying to stop the pain, but the second I closed my eyes, I felt myself plummeting downward. I looked below me hoping to see the ground; but all I saw was empty air. My heart started beating faster, and faster, and I started to panic.  

“Moon!” I heard my brother cry. I looked upward just in time before I felt a heavy, hard thing, hit my ear and head, then I faded into blackness.  

Even though I couldn't see or speak, I could still get an understanding about what was going on around me. I could tell that I was moving, and occasionally, not being able to breathe. After the third time I went under, I lost all my senses for the time being. 

Even though my eyes were closed, I could see sunlight filtering through them. Ow... I thought, wincing. My head hurt terribly, and my hearing seemed to not be working as well as it should. I sat up, coughing; water streaming out of my mouth. I spat out the remaining water. Bleh. Disgusting... All muddy and... salty? I stood up; shaking my pelt. 

“Ow!” I screamed, my ear felt like it was on fire. I slowly padded towards a puddle on the ground. I gazed into it, gaping at what I saw. My ear had been completely cut off, only a nub remained. I backed away slowly, hardly daring to breathe. I shook my head; This was the worst thing that could happen to me. I was a fugitive, and now I was half deaf. I sat down, sobbing. I was far away from my home, and I was deaf. I looked up sharply as I heard a splash coming from the river. I saw a thrashing shape in the water, clinging onto a log. I recognized that the creature was a Fox. 

“Help! Please... Anyone... Please.” I hear the cries abruptly end. I leap to my paws, bearing the pain in my ear, and race for the cries. I leap into the water, neatly diving in. I resurface above the water, and paddle strongly towards the cries. I grabbed the scruff of the fox and carefully dragged them to the shore. The fox fell limp as I grabbed him, making it easier for me to carry him. 

“Thank you!” The fox sputtered. I dipped my head in response, turning away. I heard a gasp from behind me; Probably looking at my ear. I shiver at that thought. I spin around to confront he but;  

“Don’t you...” I break off as I realized that the fox was smiling, “What?” I cry. 

“MOON! I FOUND YOU! I’M GREAT!” He barks. My tail goes straight up; 

“Sunset!” I yelp, barreling towards him to tackle him. He flinches as I touch him. I turn my head towards him. I leap off him, with a cry; 

“Sunset what's wrong?” I yelp. He shakes his head, not responding. Then he takes a deep breath. 

“I leaped into the water, to follow you, but when I... Moon!? What the heck happened to your ear?” He yips.  

I sigh, not even wanting to answer. 

“When I was falling into the water, something fell and hit it. But I don’t know what.” His face falls. 

“Oh Moon, I don’t want to tell you this, but our group followed Crater, and ‘they’ pushed a rock. I didn’t want to tell you, but...” 

“Sunset.” I say gently. “I know you didn’t just jump in because you wanted to help me, there was a reason, I know there was.” He bows his head, 

“You’re right Moon.” He sighed, then continued. 

“They pushed me off the cliff, because they think that I am part of the ‘Murder of Crater...’” He said, rolling his eyes. 

“Oh Sunset.” I Whispered, “It’ll be ok, I promise.” I turned away, ashamed, “It's my fault that you were blamed, I'm sorry.” I sighed. 

He nuzzles me but then jerks his head away from me. “Moon! What’s wrong with you? You’re... Scaly!” He trembled, backing away from me, his tail between his legs. 

“Sunset!” I cry as he starts to run away. He pauses for a split second, but then turns tail, and runs. “Please.” I whimpered. I looked down at my paws, to realize that they weren't paws anymore, they were talons. I shrieked in fear as the weird scales climbed up my body. I felt myself grow bigger. I started to breathe more heavily, as I realized that my ‘talons’ were the same ones from my dream. I shuddered as I felt my skin ripple, once, twice, and then I was back to normal, a fox. I wagged the slightest bit, relieved that I was a fox again.  

“Sunset!” I cried, racing towards the place where I last saw him. “Sunset.” I cried one more time when he didn’t come out. “Please, I’m back to normal! I'm me again, and I can explain.” I added franticly. I heard a rustle in the bushes, and I turned towards it. 

“Sunset?” I whispered, hoping it was him. I took a step back as I realized the animal that stepped out was not a fox, but a fawn, and to my surprise the fawn had small antlers. I remembered that in the mystic forest, a part of the territory outside of moon group, all deer had antlers, females, or males. The fawn stamped its feet in fear, and they reared up. 

“I’m sorry!” I yelp. “For whatever I did!” The fawn’s tail flicked back and forth. 

“You’re not going to eat me, are you?” They asked. I flicked my ears in surprise. 

“Of course not!” I yelp.” I’m just looking for my brother sunset, have you seen him?”   

The fawn shook her head, “No, I'm sorry I haven’t, but I can look."  

I nodded, shaken. “Um. What's your name? Mines Moonwalker, but basically Moon.” I say in a rush.  

“Hm. Weird name. Mines Fig. And I’m the buck's daughter” she says proudly. 

“Hi Fig.” I say causally side-stepping away from her. 

“Hey! Were you go ‘in? It's rude to walk away from a deer.” she says with a flick of her head. “Especially Me; The buck's daughter.”  

I started to speak, “I Don’t kno- “ 

She continued to glare at me. “Shut up! You interrupted me.” I muttered ‘Sorry,' and she continued.  

” So, as I was saying.” She shot me a glare. “It’s rude to walk away from me, AND interrupt me, especially when it's coming from no one. So, HA!” She snorted.  

“Hey!” I hiss. “Don’t say that! I could kill you in a second, so don’t even think of saying that anymore.” I say, slowly advancing towards her.  

She rears upward, hooves gleaming. I reoiled in fear as a bright green fog, started to gather around her small antlers. Small lightning bolts flashed in the dark, it was easy to see them, because it had suddenly become very dark. I heard whispering, coming from every direction. I suddenly felt terrified. I cried out in fear, suddenly wishing I could have my scaly body back. At that thought, I felt a fast rippling, coming from my spine. A second later I curled my clawed talons. Taking a deep breath, I raced towards the lightning. 













Chapter 5: 

“Ahh!” The fawn screamed. The lighting disappeared instantly. She screamed even louder as I opened my mouth. She turned tail and ran away, still shrieking. I shuddered as I realized no animal liked me when I was in this form. I shook my head, knowing I couldn’t change it. I looked at my back, to see that I had wings.  

My spirits rose as I realized I could fly. I leaped into the air, forgetting to flap my wings, and crashed down towards the ground. I hissed in annoyance as I hit my ear. I sat down and tried to clean it. I thought of the word Fox, and there I was, a fox again. Then I rolled my eyes as I heard rhythmic hoofbeats coming from my left. I whipped around to see the Fig standing there. 

“Hey! How dare you attack me.” She cries, tossing her head. I gasped in disbelief as I realized that she had a squadron of young deer around her, protecting her, I guessed. 

“I didn’t actually- “I started. 

“Don’t ‘actually’ her. But I can ‘actually’ tell you that you hurt her.” A deer snorted, stepping forwards.  

I shook my head, this deer was overreacting, for something that didn’t even relate to him. 

“Listen Up.” I snarled. “Stay out of this. It doesn’t concern you.” 

I heard laughing coming from the small group of deer. “Shut up!” I hiss, turning towards them. They exchanged amused glances at each other. 

“What even are you?” One of the deer asked, shaking as he laughed. 

I leapt towards them and snarled. “What do you mean, what am I?! I’m a fox and I could snap you’re neck if I wanted to.”  

They all paused for a split second, and then they started roaring with laughter. Even Fig looked amused. She shook her head, snorting. 

“You poor soul. I should feel sorry for you. But I don’t.” She whispered, a fake frown on her face. I realized that I mustn’t have said what I wanted to say. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the best. 

“What did I say?” I quired to her. The look of shock on her face was worth it. I started to shake with laughter, but I soon stopped, from the glare of Fig. 

She shook her head, and then she started to speak. 

“Ha-ha. You stupid pup, you're so dumb to even realize what you said. But I suppose if you want to embarrass yourself even more… I suppose I could arrange that.” She smiled, not even trying to hide her glee. 

“Ok. Ready?” Fig spoke. The deer snorted in delight. “You said… I am a fox, who was abandoned, and left alone without my parents, and I’m dumb.” She spoke. All the deer crackled, until they couldn’t breathe. I stood there in shock, not even blinking. I shrunk back until my tail brushed the bushes. 

“Yes!” Fig shouted, as I turned and raced away. I ran through the bushes and brambles, not even stopping when I ran through a holly bush. I was crying so hard that my sight was starting to become blurry. Finally, when the light was starting to die, I curled up under a bramble bush. My eyes were wet from tears. 

“I’m alone.” I whispered. “My own brother hates me, and I don’t know where home is.” I curled up, tail to my nose. 

Then, just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard wary paw steps approaching. My head jerked upward, and I came face to face with Sunset. I leap to my feet. 

“Sunset! You're ok. I’m-” 

“Don’t be sorry Moon, I'm the one who should apologize.” He took a deep breath and continued. “I’m sorry, please forgive me.” 

I smiled. “Of course I do.” 

“Thank you. And now, we stand together, as siblings, not enemies.” He cried. I smiled, glad that I had found him. 

“Let's go to bed Sunset.” I yawn. He nods, suddenly looking very tired. We curled up together, and then I didn’t feel so sad. 

I opened my eyes to see Sunset looking down at me. 

“Moon, come on you’ll be late.” He protested. 

I yawn. “Late to what?” He rolled his eyes.  

“Remember? The ceremony. Come on.” He said when I didn’t get up. 

“Ugh. I don’t remember any ceremony, but I'm coming, yeesh.” I say as he growls at me. 

I followed Sunset until he led me to the heart of the Mystic Forest, the air thick with anticipation and the vibrant colors of twilight shimmering around me. The towering trees loomed like ancient sentinels; their twisting branches adorned with glistening leaves that whispered secrets to one another.  

At the center of a clearing, a massive stone pedestal rose from the earth, worn smooth by the touch of countless seasons. It was here that The Buck, Fig's father, stood with an air of authority, his deep voice echoing like thunder through the quiet assembly.  

“Gather ‘round, creatures of the Mystic Forest!” he bellowed, his majestic antlers catching the last rays of sunlight, casting long shadows across the eager faces of the woodland inhabitants. A hush fell over the crowd, a sea of eyes—wolves, rabbits, and deer—fixed on the stage where Fig stood, her own antlers glistening in the dying light. My heart raced as I exchanged glances with Sunset who was hidden behind the ferns near the edge of the clearing.  

“We have gathered to embrace a new dawn! Today, we honor Fig as our leader!” The Buck continued, pride clear in his tone.  

“Leader? Her?” I whispered, distrust laced my voice. “She’s only out for power!” Sunset nodded; his eyes dark with defiance.  

“We can't let this happen, Moon. We must stop this ceremony!” But before they could act, the crowd erupted in applause, and Fig stepped forward, a confident smirk playing on her lips.  

“Thank you, Father. Together, we shall crush any who oppose us!” As the words fell from her mouth, the clearing transformed—the air thickened with the scent of danger, and the enchanted shimmer turned ominous.  

Suddenly, Moon felt heavy hooves grip her shoulders, and before she could turn to see a foe, a group of Fig’s loyal followers surrounded them.  

“You dare to challenge Fig’s rightful place?” one of them sneered, and with a swift motion, they forced Moon and Sunset to their belly. Confusion mingled with terror as The Buck’s voice rumbled again, cold, and distant.  

“Criminals of the forest, let it be known that your fate is sealed!” As Moon's heart pounded louder, her surroundings shifted violently, and as she caught a glimpse of the indifference in Fig’s eyes, a sharp Horn appeared, glinting in the fading light.  

But just as it descended, sleep shattered like glass, and she awoke, gasping for breath in the safety of reality, the echoes of the ceremony still haunting her mind. 

Moon jolted awake, her heart pounding wildly against her chest as the remnants of her nightmare clung to her like a fog. She could still hear the ominous echoes of The Buck's voice and the chilling proclamations of Fig, the pressure of impending doom weighing heavily upon her. Glancing around, her eyes fell on Sunset, who slept peacefully beside her. Hesitant but resolute, she nudged him awake.  

“Sunset! We need to talk,” I urged, urgently lacing my words. He blinked sleepily, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his paws before turning his gaze toward her.  

“Can’t this wait until morning? I had the strangest dream…” he mumbled, stifling a yawn.  

“No, it can’t wait!” I insisted, her tone firm. “It was more than just a dream. I saw Fig being declared leader. She’ll try to make it happen for real! We must warn the others.”  

Sunset frowned, squinting as he tried to process her words. “You think that dream was a vision? It was just a nightmare, Moon. Fig may have gotten in your head, but trust me, her father won’t just hand over leadership like that.” 

Frustration bubbled within me, and I paced back and forth on the soft grass. “You don’t understand! In my dream, something felt… wrong. The forest is shifting, and Fig is cunning. If we don’t act now, she’ll have the power she craves, and it could destroy everything we love!”  

“That’s a leap, Moon. Just because she’s ambitious doesn’t mean she’ll succeed. You’re letting fear cloud your judgment.” Sunset insisted. “We can’t go charging into danger without proof,” he countered, crossing his forelegs defiantly.  

“But what if you’re wrong?” I challenged, stopping to face him, my eyes blazing with determination. “What if ignoring this is the very thing that leads to our downfall? We—”  

Sunset interrupted, his voice rising with frustration. “You’re not the only one who cares, Moon! I don’t want to lose you to this madness. The woods are wild, and going after shadows is reckless! What if we just end up putting ourselves in danger?” 

“Then let it be a risk I’m willing to take! Ignoring this could cost us our home!” I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. “If Fig wants to challenge everything we know, we’ll need to be there to stop her. You’re coming with me. Whether you like it or not.”  

Silence hung in the air as Sunset weighed my words. He saw the determination etched into his sister’s features and felt the pull of her conviction. With a frustrated sigh, he finally relented. “Fine! I’ll go with you. But I’m not happy about it. Let’s just make this quick, okay?” 

With newfound resolve, we stepped out of the Mystic Forest, the unfamiliar paths now feeling normal as I led the way toward the uncharted regions beyond our homes. The deeper we ventured, the more the forest changed, the trees becoming twisted and gnarled, echoing the uncertainty in my heart.  

As they neared the border of the forest, a shiver of trepidation crawled down my spine. Suddenly, a rustle in the underbrush froze us in place. I turned to Sunset, whispering, “Do you hear that?”  

Before he could respond, a cacophony of hissing erupted around them. Hundreds of snakes, their scales shimmering with deadly poisons, coiled and slithered, forming a living wall that barred their escape. “Run!” Sunset yelled.  

Moon and Sunset bolted, but the snakes were faster, lunging at them with vicious speed. Moon felt a sharp sting on her paw as one sank its fangs into her flesh, the venom pulsing through her veins.  

“Keep going!” I shouted, gritting my teeth against the searing pain. 

Sunset lunged back, grabbing me with his teeth and dragging me away. “You’re hurt!” he cried.  

“They’re everywhere!” I gasped, feeling the world tilt as the poison coursed through her. In the chaos, they tumbled down a steep embankment, crashing into a thicket of brambles, a temporary barrier between them and the snakes.  

We jogged along a strange path, talking urgently. 

“Moon, we must stay here. You need to rest and get well.” He murmured. 

 “No, Sunset. We must leave now,” I insisted, my gaze unfocused as images of Fig danced in my mind, taunting me with whispers of defeat. Just then, they stumbled upon an older deer with weary eyes.  

“You fox pair look lost,” she said softly, her voice comforting but fearful. I hesitated but nodded, my heart racing.  

“I was bitten by a snake. I can’t seem to escape these thoughts, and were running from Fig, an evil deer” I admitted. Nodding, and with careful movements, the deer, whose name was Carmel, healed the wound, the warmth of her magic flowing through me.  

“Fig will not haunt you forever,” Carmel assured, and for the first time, I felt a glimmer of hope. But that hope was short-lived; soon, Fig’s loyal followers surrounded us like a storm.  

“Flee, Moon and Sunset! Flee!” Carmel shouted; I nodded; trying not to cower in fear. Then I took a deep breath, and we tore away into the forest. Then I heard the terrible thud of hooves and the final cry of the deer who had offered us sanctuary. Fear gripped my heart as I saw Fig's face among the shadows. I knew that me and Fig's difference was not over. 

Me and Sunset kept running until they dropped onto the ground. Sunset laid on his side panting for breath. 

“Moon?” Sunset gasped. “What do we do now?” I shook my head, not knowing how to answer.  

Sunset kept pestering me until I curled her tail around herself and fell asleep. 

I blinked my eyes open to see Sunsets, fear-stricken face staring at her. 

“Moon!” He whisper-screamed in my face. “Fig and her gang of deer are headed this way! We need to leave now!” He cried. I sat up abruptly and leaped to my feet.  

“Come on!” Sunset cried. But I didn’t need to be told twice, I was already racing towards the unknown. 







Chapter 6: 

We raced up the slope, as fast as we could. I yipped in annoyance as my still healing leg came out from under me. 

“Moon! Get up. Please just a little farther.” Sunset cried as I fell onto the forest floor.  

My eyes fluttered open, then closed. Sunset’s voice wavered, loud, then quiet. My eyes opened again to see a deer’s face looking down at me. 

“ that... you?” I heard my voice whisper, wavering. 

“Ha!” I heard a searing, painful laugh. 

“Moon? Moon!” I heard a fearful voice that I couldn’t name. I sighed as I fell into darkness. 

My eyes opened to find myself surrounded by a fog. I yelped in fear as a picture, no, a scene, enfolded in front of me.  

I gasped when I saw Viper in the healer's den, laying on her side, panting for breath. She had a long scratch from the top of her shoulder to the bottom of her flank. I muttered a ‘No’ when our healer, Branch, prodded her, but she didn’t respond.  

I sat there for many moments, staring at my grandmother, who was dying in her nest, while I was well and healthy. My gaze shadowed, growing darker, until I was completely cut off from being able to see anything. 

I opened my eyes to hear the low murmuring of animals, quietly chatting. I lifted my head to see Sunset talking to Fig, in the shadows, of an elder bush. I stood up and limped over to them. 

“Moon!” Sunset cried leaping over to me. He nuzzled me under my chin. 

“Hey Sunset.” I murmur weakly. Then I realize that Fig is standing there, looking down at me. I gave her a sharp look, reminding her that she was not my friend. 

“Hey Moon.” Fig responds, as though I didn’t do anything. “Sunset was just telling me about Crater, and what he’s done. I didn’t know he was so evil.” She continued. “I know Crater of old, and he’s the reason I was so horrible to you.” 

I shot her a look, but she continued. 

“I hate Crater, and I took it out on you and Sunset, I'm deeply sorry. And to repay you, I'm forever indebted to you.” She bowed her head. “And if you ever need help, I will be here.” 

“Thank you.” I answered. “But why do you hate Crater, and why did you take it out on us?” I questioned Fig. 

She bowed her head in shame. “I took it out on you because you two are foxes, and it just reminded me of Crater, I'm sorry.”  

“You still didn’t answer me. Why do you hate Crater?” I hissed. “And WHY in the world, do you think that you get to blame US, innocent foxes, for something that, the stupid, dumb fox, who calls himself a leader did! But let me remind you, all he is, is a fox who was pushed into a leadership he never wanted. And now because he’s leader, he will always try to hurt my group. You deserve to tell me what he did!” I bark. 

Fig steps back, fear on her face, real fear. “I’m sorry. Please believe me.” 

I sighed. “If you want me to believe you, then you need to tell me the truth.” 

“Fine.” Fig grumbles. “It’s... It's because, well it's for many reasons. One. Crater killed my mother and tricked my father into killing my best friend. And two. Crater used to feel like a second father to me, but then he... he well betrayed me. And I don’t want to tell you what he did... It's a personal thing.” Fig said, while stepping away from us. 

“Oh.” I murmured, nuzzling her. A look of bewilderment flashed across Fig's face. 

“Thank you, Moon, you don’t know how much this means to me.” Fig gasped. 

“I know.” I murmured. “I’m sorry for judging you, please forgive me.” I whisper. 

“I forgive you.” Fig says, smiling. I sighed, curling up on the ground. Even though I had just slept, I felt as though I had not slept in years. My eyes closed. 

I opened my eyes to see that it was the morning, and that I was the only one awake. I stretched and yawned, before lying down again. I lay there for many moments, thinking about the dream I had the previous night.  

I dreamt that Crater was leading my group into a battle with Storm group. But I had also dreamt that Crater had previously gone to Storm group's camp, asking them to slaughter Moon group, who was my group.  

I sighed and padded over to Sunset, prodding him with my paw until he opened his eyes. 

“Moon...” He grunted. “What do you want? I was about to eat a mouse-”  

“Sunset.” I broke in. “I had a dream. Crater is leading Moon group to be slaughtered.”  

Sunset bolted up. “What!” he muttered under his breath. “Are you sure it wasn’t ju-” 

“Sunset. You know it wasn’t just a dream. You should have learned by now.” I broke in. Sunset sighed. 

“You are right Moon. I know it is not a dream.” I nodded; glad he had come to his senses. “But what are we going to do about it?” He murmured. But I was not listening, I was already walking over to Fig, who was eating from a cherry tree. 

“Fig.” I cried. She turned her head towards me. 

“Yes?” She called. 

“We need to go back to Moon group, Crater’s leading them into a slaughter.” I said. Surprise flashed across Fig’s face. 

“Then what are we waiting for? Let's go! We need to kill him.” She reared up flicking out her front legs. 

“I know.” I muttered, “But Sunset won’t leave.”  

“Sunset!” Fig shouts. “We’re leaving! Whether you like it or not! Come here now!” I hear a scramble of claws, and then, to my surprise, Sunset runs over, panting. 

“Sorry Fig. You both are right. Let’s go!” He barks, shame glinting in his eyes. I feel relieved as they both bound away, into the underbrush.  

“Wait up!” I call, fear alighting me. I hear their laughter fade, and a bright light shines upon me. I feel a sharp pain spark in my shoulder, draining my energy. I collapsed onto the ground, shaking. I couldn’t move. My eyes flashed wildly back and forth.  

Just then Fig came dashing and butting the figures away from me. 

“Leave her alone!”  




Chapter 7: 

“Thank you, Fig.” I gasped, as Sunset pulled the sharp dart out of my shoulder. “If it hadn’t been for you, I would have been taken by those bug-looking things.”  

“Of course, I'm glad I was able to save you.” Fig murmured, dipping her head. 

“Now, let’s get you to safety before they come back!” Sunset insisted, urgency in his voice. I nodded, my heart racing as I struggled to stand. 

Fig and Sunset guided me through the dense underbrush, their determination fueling my own resolve. Every step I took felt heavy, the sting in my shoulder still pulsing, but the thought of Crater’s plot pushed me onward. 

We emerged from the shrubby thicket and into a clearing, where the sunlight streamed down, illuminating the path ahead. The air was thick with tension as we approached the edge of Moon Group territory. I could feel my heart pound in my chest, a mix of anxiety and determination. Would Crater really betray his own group? 

“We need a plan,” I whispered, glancing back at Fig and Sunset. “If we just charge in there, they’ll catch us before we can do anything.” 

“What if we try to talk to the other groups first?” Fig suggested. “If we can gather allies, we may have a chance.” 

Sunset nodded. “That might work, but we need to be careful. If Crater gets wind of us plotting against him, we’re done for.” 

I took a deep breath, weighing our options. “Alright, let’s split up. Fig, you head to Stone Group. Maybe Fog and Aurora would believe you. They need to know what Crater is planning. Sunset and I will go straight to Moon Group; we might be able to convince some of them.” 

“Are you sure that’s wise?” Fig replied, concern lining her features. “They belive you want to kill Crater.” 

“Yes, but they need to know the truth. If we don’t act now, we might lose everything,” I insisted, looking at both of them with determination. 

“Okay then, let’s meet back here in a few hours,” Sunset agreed. “We’ll regroup after talking to them.” 

The three of us shared a quick embrace before going our separate ways. Fig disappeared into the trees, while Sunset and I headed down the path toward Moon Group territory. 

With every step toward Moon Group's territory, an unsettling mixture of hope and dread pulsed through me. Memories flooded my mind—bitter arguments, misunderstandings, and the glares I’d endured from the group I'd once called family. Would they even listen? Would they even care? 

Sunset walked beside me, his silent support grounding me. I could sense his own anxiety but appreciated his steady presence. "You were strong enough to speak up before," he reminded me gently, breaking the silence. "You can do it again." 

As we approached the rugged edge of Moon Group’s territory, I noticed the dark clouds looming overhead, mirroring my worry. The territory was marked by sharp, jagged rocks and wind-swept plains—far from inviting. I scanned the area, looking for any signs of the group.  

"Stay close," I whispered, instinctively lowering my voice. Together, we navigated through the rocky landscape, searching for signs of life. Just as I began to doubt myself, a voice called out. 

“There you are! I thought I saw someone, intruders!”  


We turned to find Storm emerging from a cluster of boulders, her tall figure a unwelcome sight for my building anxiety. Although she had always been a strong presence in the group, I could now see the weariness in his eyes. Crater’s influence had begun to twist even those closest to me.  

"Spirit!" I exclaimed, heart racing with a mixture of relief and apprehension. "We need to talk—Crater is planning something dangerous!" 

She frowned, glancing between Sunset and me, her brows knitting together. “What do you mean? You think I should trust you again after everything? And you.” She barked to Sunset, who used to be her apprentice, “What makes you return?”  

Sunset opened his mouth, but I interuptes and swallowed hard, grasping for words. "I know I hurt the group before. I didn't mean to betray anyone. But Crater is working with the our group to take down not only the Stone Group but possibly everyone. He’s playing us all against each other, and if we don’t stop him…” 

Spirit’s skepticism softened slightly at my urgency. “Wait—are you sure about this?”  

“Yes!” Sunset interjected, stepping forward. "We need your help, Spirit. We need to rally everyone and confront Crater before it’s too late. He’s been lying, and he’s gotten strong allies on his side.” 

There was a moment of silence where I could almost see gears turning in Spirit’s head. The tension in the air felt so palpable that even the wind seemed to hold its breath. 

Finally, she took a deep breath, her expression shifting from doubt to determination. “Alright, I’ll listen. But we need to move fast. Crater's not the only one planning. Some of the foxes in our group are extrimly loyal to him.” 


Just as she spoke, shouts erupted from further down the plains, jarring us out of our urgency. “They’re coming! They’re going to attack Stone group!” I whispered, dread bubbling in my gut. Shadows began to emerge in the distance—figures moving swiftly across the rocks. 

“Everyone, together!” A voice shouted in the distance. 

Panic surged through me, and I felt the urge to bolt. “We need to hide!” I hissed. 

“No, we need to confront them,” Spirit countered fiercely, visibly torn. “If we run, it’ll look like we’re guilty. We need to stand our ground.” 

Sunset nodded resolutely. “We face them together. We need to make them see sense.” 

We quickly found a boulder that offered cover but still offered a good view of the oncoming storm of figures. When they were close enough, I recognized several faces from the Moon Group, including a look of shock when they spotted us. 

“Moon! Sunset!” one of them called, “You’re back?! What are you doing here?” 

My heart raced as I felt the weight of their eyes on me. This was it—this was the moment. “I’m here to warn you! Crater is planning to overthrow the groups. We can’t let him control us!” 

The rest of the Moon group foxes hesitated, their eyes darting to each other, and uncertainty flickered through their ranks. I wondered if Craters presence would help sway them. Before I could think further, a figure stepped forward.  

“What a waste of breath! We know Crater, and we’re not afraid to stand united under him,” Claw sneered, and the crowd echoed murmurs of agreement. 

“Is that true?” I challenged, my voice rising against the tide of doubt. “You’d rather lay down your freedom for fear? This battle is noble, but it’s not for Crater’s tyranny!” 

“Be quiet!” Claw yowled, but no one was paying attention. 

he murmurs grew louder, and I could see some faces softening, while others hardened. In that moment, the tension thickened as another figure emerged from the shadows—Crater himself, flanked by several of his loyal followers. 

“Well, well, if it isn’t the traitors and the foolhardy,” he sneered, a dark smile stretching across his face. “I was wondering when the scum would scuttle back to me. It seems you’ve underestimated my reach.” 

Sunset stepped in front of me, his determination undeterred. “No! We won’t let you corrupt this group any longer!”  

The bickering intensified as half the crowd looked torn between following Crater and siding with us. “Listen to me!” I implored. “Moon Group was never meant to be divided! Crater manipulates us with lies and betrayal. Show him he’s not as powerful as he thinks!” 

In that moment of chaos, a wave of silence washed over the group. I sensed my heart race again, realizing now was the time to ignite their courage and challenge the looming darkness. Would they stand with us, or did fear still run too deep?  

Eyes darted between the faces staring back at me, hoping desperately for the support that would tip the balance in our favor. 

The tension in the air was almost suffocating. I could see an internal battle playing out on the faces of the Storm Group members, a conflict of loyalty versus common sense. Crater, standing smugly in the foreground, seemed to revel in the chaos, confident that his faction would remain loyal, that his manipulation had rooted deeply. 


“We’re not afraid of you, Moon!” he sneered, his voice ringing like a taunting bell. “You’ve come back to stir trouble in a group that has already accepted the truth. You’re a relic of the past!” 

My heart raced as I prepared to respond. “No, Crater! You are the one bringing trouble,” I shot back, my voice trembling with strength. “This isn’t about the past; it’s about our future—together. You’re trying to divide us for your gain, and blind loyalty will only lead us to ruin!” 

I glanced around at my old friends, searching their faces for any sign of agreement. Spirit stood resolute beside me, unease etched into her features but her determination was shining through.  

“Think about it!” I continued, feeling the heat of inspiration tapping into my veins. “This is our home. We’re survivors, not pawns in someone else’s twisted game! Crater’s only goal is power, and he’ll use anyone—friends, family—to achieve it. Join us and fight back!” 

 Murmurs of unrest began to ripple through the group. A few hung their heads in uncertainty; others exchanged glances, debating among themselves. Spirit stepped forward, her voice steady and clear. “Moon is right. It’s time we stopped being divided. Crater’s vision is not our vision. We stand together or we fall apart. Look around—how can we let fear dictate our choices any longer?” 

Crater’s expression darkened further, and lashed his bushy tail, visibly irked by our solidarity. “Do you really think you can sway them? They see you for what you are: traitors, liars!” He laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. “You’ve always been the outcast, Moon. Even with your little speeches, you’re still nothing!” 

 Determination surged within me at the challenge in his words. “Outcast? No. I am not just speaking for myself—I am standing for all of us! This group isn’t just a collection of individuals; we are a family. And in family, we protect each other!”  

Something shifted among the group. A few members nodded, their defiance kindling like a flame, while others still looked conflicted. I took a deep breath, pushing forth the last embers of my courage. 

“Together, we can confront the real enemy. If you allow fear to govern you, then Crater will succeed in tearing us apart forever!” 

There was a moment of silence, and then, like a wave pushing back against a tide, a voice broke through the murmuring. “She’s right!” Forest growled “We don’t have to let Crater dictate our future. If we stand together, we are stronger!” 

One by one, more voices joined in. “We won’t let you control us, Crater!” shouted another. “You’ve turned our own against each other!” shouted yet another. The uprising of voices grew stronger, echoing throughout the rocky terrain. 

Crater’s expression was one of disbelief, horror mingling with anger. “Fools, you’re making a grave mistake!” he threatened. “You think you stand united against me? You’re too weak. I will crush you!” 

Before I could react, he signaled to his followers. “Make them understand!” he ordered with a fierce wave of his tail. 

But the moment he spoke, a few of his own followers hesitated, visibly torn between loyalty to Crater and newfound conviction in our cause. The air between us crackled with the potential for conflict—an impending storm of chaos muscling for attention. 

“Stand down!” I shouted. “This is not how we solve our problems. If fighting is what you want, you are only playing into Crater’s hands. Look around! Look at the faces of your friends beside you. Are you willing to throw it all away for a false leader?” 

The realization seemed to hit like a wave crashing over the rocks. A chain reaction sparked among the Storm Group members. Those who once followed Crater took hesitant steps away from him, while others surged toward us, gathering like shifting tides. 

“Enough!” Crater’s face twisted in frustration; I could see the mask of control slipping. “If you will not obey, then I will take what is mine by force.” 

“Your reign of terror ends today!” Spirit’s voice rang out, loud and unwavering, as she stepped forward. “You don’t control us, Crater! We choose our fate!” 

Fueled by courage from newfound allies, Moon Group united against Crater’s followers, ready to fight back—not out of rage, but out of necessity. This was our chance to reclaim our bonds, our strength, our future. The light was beginning to break through the fog of division, and I felt a spark of hope ignite. 

Suddenly Craters eyes darkened, replaced by circles of nothingness. “You fools don’t understand. I’m not Crater, I’m Bat, a lost spirit who found Craters body, and took it over. And it's gone great so far. 

“Bat?” Viper whispered, appearing from the bushes. “Is it really you?” 

“Viper.” Croaked Craters body, but Bats soul. “This isn’t what it looks like.” 

“Oh really?” gasped Viper. “This is over.”  

I went to stand beside her. “She’s right.” I yip. I glared at ‘Bat,’ trying to convince him that he was a traitor when Viper collapsed onto the ground. 

“Viper!” I shriek. “No!” I felt her flanks, horrified that they weren't moving. 











Chapter 8: 

Panic surged through me as I knelt beside Viper, desperately seeking any sign of life within her frail form. “Viper, please!” I whimpered, nudging her gently with my snout, hoping that she would respond. 

But Viper remained still, her silver fur glistening in the dim light, and a chill swept through my heart. This isn’t how it ends, echoed in my mind. Not now. Not like this. 

“Look what you’ve done!” I shouted, redirecting my fury at Bat, who stood there, reveling in the chaos he’d brought. “You’ve killed her!”  

Bat’s expression turned cold as he surveyed the growing unrest in the gathered crowd. “I did what I had to do to secure my power,” he sneered, his voice low and menacing. “You think your pitiful alliance can usurp me? You’re all too weak.” 

“No!” I shouted, my voice resolute as I stood between Bat and the fallen Viper. “Her death will not be in vain. We will fight back, and we will drive you from her body and our home!”  

“Moon, no!” Sunset cried, but I could hear the resolve in his voice as he added, “We have to act now before it’s too late.” 

“Collect yourselves!” Spirits' voice rang out, urging the other foxes to stand firm. “Moon has given too much to this group for us to turn our backs now!”                                     As my heart raced, I sensed the power of unity coursing through the assembled foxes. One by one, they drew together, forming a protective circle around Viper’s body. Their eyes turned toward Bat, defiance igniting in their gazes. 

“You think you can intimidate us?” Spirit growled, stepping to the forefront. “You’re nothing but a specter hidden within a cowardly shell. And you’ll find no allegiance here!”  

Bat smirked, seemingly unfazed by the rising challenge. “You’re all fools. You honestly believe you can defeat me?”  

“Yes,” I declared, locking eyes with Bat. “Because we fight for something real. We fight for our family—for Viper, for each other. You might have used Crater’s body, but you’ve underestimated our strength.” 

With that declaration, the foxes around us charged forward, a torrent of fur and resolve. I leaped into the fray alongside them, feeling the pulse of their determination fueling my own. I could hear Bat’s mocking laughter, but it quickly faded as the energy of the fight enveloped us. 

With every stride, I felt the weight of my worries lift, replaced by inspiration, by trust in my compatriots. Beside me, Sunset fought valiantly, his fangs and claws flying to defend our home. The moment I stumbled, he was there, pushing forward together. 

“Keep going!” he called, his voice a beacon amidst the chaos. “Together!” As we clashed, I caught glimpses of familiar faces—friends and allies, all standing to protect what mattered most. ` Suddenly, Bat let out a fearsome roar, a pulse of ominous energy crashing over us, throwing many to the ground. “You think you can win? This fight is futile! I am eternal!” 

Panic threatened to rise within me, but I clung tightly to the resolve that had brought me here. “We fight for each other!” I shouted back defiantly, struggling to my feet.  

My vision blurred as I felt Bat’s dark energy enveloping the space around me, stealing breath and warmth. “Your precious bonds mean nothing against me!” he cried. 

But just then, a fierce light erupted from behind me, illuminating the darkness—like a burst of hope cutting through despair. 

“Together!” Spirit roared. 

I turned to see her standing tall, her spirit rising brighter than the looming shadows. “For Viper! For Moon Group!” she shouted, channeling the strength of all those gathered with her.  

All at once, that energy surged toward Bat, colliding with his dark presence. The ground trembled beneath our paws as the battle intensified, a whirlwind of emotion encasing us all.  

Then, in that moment of chaos, it happened: the swirling shadows around Bat began to recede, fading before us. The mocking grin he wore slipped away; desperation leaked into his features.  

“No! This isn’t possible!” he shouted, the fear in his voice raw and vulnerable. “I cannot be defeated!” 

“Your reign of terror ends now!” I cried, feeling a wave of strength uniting us as I sprang forward, powerful and unwavering. 

Bat let out a final, furious roar as the collective force of the Moon Group merged, pushing him back until he finally lost his grip. The shadows that had consumed him dissolved, leaving only Crater’s limp form in their wake.  

The collective breath of the group began to emerge as silence fell over the clearing. I stood frozen in disbelief, staring down at Crater’s still body as the weight of victory settled within me. 

“Is it over?” Sunset whispered, his voice quaking with uncertainty.  

“Maybe…” I replied, still feeling the lingering energy buzz in the air.  

Just as I turned to comfort Sunset, Bat's snarling voice echoed faintly in my mind. “This isn’t over!” 

I shivered, but I pushed that fear away. “No. We have to take this moment and strengthen our bonds,” I replied as I turned back to the group, steeling myself.                                                                                                           As the remaining foxes gathered around us, support blossomed in their eyes.  

“Viper…” I whispered, moving toward her body. But before I could reach her, I heard her faint voice rousing from limpness. 

“I’m not gone yet…” she rasped, her breaths weak but steadying. 

“Viper!” I cried, rushing to her side. Relief flooded my heart as I nudged her gently, encouraging her to rise. “You need to rest!”  

She shook her head, “No, we need to preserve this moment. We need to build a future.”  

“Together,” Sunset affirmed, standing beside us. “We will fight for our family.”  

The others gathered, the shadows of doubt dissolving and light emerging once more. Viper's warm smile shined through the exhaustion in her eyes. 

“We stand united now, a family against the darkness,” she said, and the echo of murmurings grew stronger, a resounding agreement. We were no longer divided by circumstances, no longer the pawns of fate. We were a family, grounded and fierce, ready to face whatever lay ahead.  

And as I stood there beside Sunset, Viper, and all my newfound allies, I felt the warmth rise within me anew—a fire of hope that we have fought to reclaim, a strength forged in love, unity, and resilience, steadfast against whatever darkness dared to encroach. 

For Viper, for my family, for our home. And I wondered what had happened to Fig. 

This was only the beginning. 







14 years old

More by Thistleberry