
Different for everyone but all similar in one thing,
It brings a smile out of you.
A pearly white tooth smile or even a tiny grin that shows your dimples. 
It keeps the atmosphere light and bubbly.
With grandpa’s corny stories of when he was your age,
Your little brother chiming in with his own dorkiness,
And you peek up and see your mother quirk her lips up into that gorgeous smile she doesn’t let out much. 
The light you use to brighten up a dark room.
To elicit happiness from a bad day. 
Something we can use now more than ever.



20 years old

More by isabelle.chen

  • What Are You Waiting For?

    Young and careless,
    Wild and free,
    The definition of teens.
    Where our perspective interprets our experiences,
    And therefore our outlook on life. 
    To reach enlightenment and choose ignorance upon strangers’ judgments and
  • Between the pages

    A girl scales down the pages of various novels
    And finds comfort in each world she plummets into,
    To find solace in between the crinkly pages,
    And meet characters who are thoroughly flawed,