I Want Your Hands

I want a front row seats to all your smiles
be give you your daily dose of hugs and kisses
to be a part of the good days & the bad ones
the shoulder you choose to cry on

the person who will tend to your wounds
when the world gashes you open
and hands that will cup your tear stained cheeks
and assure you things will be better
even if they are only honeyed lies

I want so much that I don't know if it can be contained
I want it all

But if I can only have one part of you
I don't want your bittersweet kisses
coated in the ocean's sweat and blood
They only last a second
and I want more than that

I want your worn hands
even if I'll never get to peer into those eyes again
if those smiles aren't mine to gaze at
if your hair isn't mine to brush from your face
I just want your hands

I want the lines on your palm
pressed against the lines of mine
to kiss the wrinkles in every knuckle
and to breathe in the spaces between them

I want the scar on your thumb
to run my nail over
to remind you to be careful
even when your ears aren't mine to talk to

I want to be the hand you clutch
to hold you down when the world threatens
to whisk you off the ground
squeeze them when you're afraid
I don't mind the crescent indents the pain makes
just never let go

No, I don't want any goodbye kiss
those are for fools in movies
who follow the scripts written out for them
whose lives end when the director says so

i refuse to be another casuality
of what the audience wants to see
give me your hands
so i can thread my fingers through yours
and hold on

hear me now
a lifetime of threaded fingers
mean more to me than ten kisses
ever will



YWP Alumni

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