The Journey of a Raindrop

From skies so high I begin my flight, 

Embarking on a journey that’s very bright. 

A tale of elegance and simple beauty, 

A small joy for all to see. 


I’m born from a cloud, my source of strength, 

I’m now a  droplet with width and length. 

I’m my own entity, a little creature. 

Like a new phone with special features. 


I feel so happy in my own little world, 

I can swish and swash and splash and swirl. 

There’s nothing I feel except pure delight. 

Because from up here, everything’s a marvelous sight. 


And down I drop from the highs of the sky, 

Falling so fast it feels like a ride. 

The thrill of dropping mixes with my fear. 

Hoping that this journey’s end is near. 


I merge with a stream of other drops, 

Like a market with lines of shops. 

There are so many drops like me around, 


I make my way into a vast sea, 

And see so many entities like me. 

I marvel at the way the world works, 

And I’m glad to be part of it with my own little quirks. 


And now look at me, how far I’ve grown, 

I’m surrounded by friends and I once was alone. 

I’ve seen how much anything can progress. 

Being a raindrop doesn’t make life any less. 

Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.



15 years old