The Last Place to Be

Boogie Woogie Village is a small town on the coast of Dance Dance Island, the world's largest land mass dedicated to parties. But there are two bad things about Boogie Woogie Village, one, it is devoid of sleep. Two, there is a 9 month hurricane season. This year Hurricane Oggie (they get different names if they pass through Dance Dance Island) devastated the island, costing two million dollars in damage. Boats in houses, flood waters at one story high, one man survived the worst of it. His name is Jose Blanco. At the age of 27 he made it through Oggie by staying in his basement. For three days he ate only cold hot dogs and potato chips down there from last night's dance party. He was able to use his basement because it has 6 foot concrete walls to prevent flooding, otherwise it would have filled up with water and he would have drowned. A second survivor named Mary Johnson, was found floating on a palm tree 2 miles out to sea. She said she survived because fish got tangled in the roots and she ate them raw like sushi. We are still finding bodies stuck under rubble or at the bottom of lakes and ponds. Rescue crews are out there finding survivors still but I have not been told about them. I send good thoughts to Jose Blanco and Mary Johnson because they are still recovering from what happened to them last week. As for now I will be the editor for the book Jose is working on. Titled the Last Place to Be. 


Summit House-WCS


YWP Instructor