
This is the story of two people that fell in love. Adam and Alyssa were two really good friends. They would hangout after school and do homework together. One day after school Alyssa invited Adam over to hang and do homework so Adam said yes. This day was different because Adam seemed nervous and Alyssa noticed. Alyssa asked, “Are you okay Adam?” and Adam said he was okay. But Alyssa knew something was up. Alyssa would keep on telling Adam that she knew something was wrong, so Adam told Alyssa what was wrong, but Alyssa didn't expect what Adam was going to say. Adam told Alyssa that he likes her. Alyssa was shocked because Alyssa liked Adam. So then Alyssa told Adam that and they ended up dating through high school and through college. Adam and Alyssa ended up going to the University of Notre Dame together. Their senior year together at Notre Dame, Adam proposed and they ended up getting married and having two kids.




18 years old