Marker Madness



9-14 sentences

Inconsistent control of ideas and editing

15 sentences

Organized and ideas can be followed
Chatters of school students bounced around the halls as they gathered up their supplies and such. Many reach for different binders, folders, and pencil cases in their cubbies up above them. But hidden in a certain pencil case, muted by the bustling school, there lies a blossoming love story, a little different than your average one.

    A small white cat displayed on the front of the light pink fabric, roughed by the years of usage, on top dangled a small metal zipper on the right side. In the tiny pouch two markers, so very different, but still similar in ways they both never expected to see.

 In the lump of pencils, pens, and notepad, there was a bold sharpie, alwaying leaving a dark black trail with every stroke of her tip. Her presents was, less to be desired among the other stationary. 

But there, one watches closely, barely a single centimeter to be exact. As the student makes their way towards their next class, they collide with a nameless person in their path, a sudden thump arose to the many beings resting in its case. 

A bright pink mildliner found herself now pressed up against another after the slight impact. This another being seemed to tower above her, casting a shadow. Quickly shaking the dazed shock from the collision, slowly realized who she’s currently up and personal with. The marker she’s been in love with ever since the day Sharpie was introduced to the pouch. 

The one that makes her heart skip a beat when the human lays them down together on the cold laminate tables, so close, but never seemed to touch. 

The mildliner tried to make conversation, but all that came out of the Sharpie’s mouth was a cold response to her attempts. 

“I’m so sorry-, please forgive me Sharpie, let me-”

She stumbled, but Sharpie cut her off. 

What is she going to think now?

was the only thought that flooded her mind as they both still seemed to be intertwined within the small space. Sharpie however, also had some feeling for a certain highlighter. She’ve seen her stare, but let it happen since she found herself not minding these looks. That feeling puzzled her, why was she so different to her. 

Maybe it was the way her brush tip glides on the soft paper, or how her text was placed on the hard plastic tube. But even with the small glances here and there, she couldn’t ever see each other together anywhere besides figments of her imagination. 

“It’s fine, this happens all the times anyways,”

Sharpie slurred bluntly, maybe too blunt for her liking.

“No really, i’m sorry for this, I- Well, let me make it up to you, there’s this okay corner with some sticky pads,” 

She knew this was too much for just an accidental bump, usually people would say sorry and go on with their day. Still,  she couldn’t help to skip a moment she could of spent with her, shouldn’t she at least try? 

”Well i dont see why that would be necessary-” 

Mildliner’s cap started to droop, she knew this was about to happen but Sharpie’s heartache from the sight of this, she never liked seeing her sad. 

Again, she pondered on these feelings that consuming her everytime she’s around, she couldn’t say no could she.

“I mean, sure why not actually. What time are you thinking of?”

Her eyes lit up at her responds, she couldn’t help up to jitter in joy while she just stares on, falling in love slowly, without even realizing it. 

After the meet up, they began to grow closer together, soon sharing everything together. No moment they would be seen apart. Sharpie tried to only make it seem they were only friends, but deep down she knew that wasn’t true, all she wanted to give her anything she could of wanted. She wishes she could know. Although, even with her overwhelming love overflowing from the bottle she calls her heart, she made it seem like they were only friends, maybe made it too obvious. 

To Mildliner, every moment with her made a piece of her soul chip away, what if she only saw her as a friend? She was planning to confess later on, but in her eyes, they way that this was going, she might never bring herself to. It pains her to think like this, it might as well be the truth though. Everytime she would see her face her chest fluttered, and it showed no signs of stoping in no time. They could never be together was the only thing she thought when it came to them. Feelings were too overwhelming to even think now, if she couldn’t get over her, she couldn’t do anything else but to distance herself from the source. As much as she values her friendship with her, she couldn’t risk everything they have with a broken confession that wont even come through. Might as well cut it off now.  

Sharpie started to notice she was distancing herself from her, she put it off as maybe a personal problem and she’ll come around when it’s sorted out. But day by day, Mildliner was getting further and further away, Sharpie only growing increasingly worried. 

Was it her fault?

The thought of driving her away only sent thorns to her heart. Her mind raced to find what she could of done to caused this. She didn’t mean to cry but things were overwhelming. She never wanted to break her heart in this way. Mildliner was seen just in the corner of her eye. She had to ask now, what else could she do? Trying to tumble and turn through the other stationary just to see her again, to just get to the bottom of this. If she doesn’t want to be around her anymore, at least she can be told that face to face.

Mildliner turned to see sharpie breathing frantically, ink splots around her cap. 

“Please, Mildliner, why are you being so distant?” 

Shocked to see Sharpie in this state, no words dare to escape her mouth.

    “If you dont want to be around me anymore, please, please just say it, I’ll leave you alone once you do,”

“No please, it’s not like that, it’s just that, that,”

She couldn’t believe what she was about to say, the only thing she kept from her.

“I love you okay, and I can’t stop. I dont think I can ever, I know you’re not going to like, since you alway acted like were only friends and stuff and i just thought the only was to get rid of these was to, well, distance myself from you.”

Both of them fell silent unknowing what to say next, staring in eachothers eyes but swiftly looking back down.

“Well- I, I love you too- In like a love-y wa, not as a friend type of way,”

Their eyes lock once again, this time not breaking away so quickly.

“So you really do love me back?” 

Mildliner shifted her bottom on the rough pencil stained floor.

    “Yes, i really do love you back, I’m just- I’m so sorry I made you feel like that, I didn’t know what to do, and I just. Yeah…”

She couldn’t be helped to be ashamed for doing this, she really didn’t mean to. A stinging pain was felt around her eyes, small buds of tears flowed out in the corner. Mildliner wiped her tears without breaking eye contact, without warning, she slowly leaned in near her cap, brushing tenderly against her cap and hers. Time seem to stop just for them, sharpie stood shocked, her heart felt as if it was beating outside of her chest. 

    “Did you just- did we-”

    “So what are we now?”

She giggled as she tilted her cap to the right with Sharpie still processing what just happened.


Summit House-WCS


YWP Instructor