
Long days at the pond

Swimming in the dark water

And diving off the dock


Full days of skiing

Trying to get the first and last chair

Lapping the mountain,

Skiing every trail


Soccer and lacrosse games

And the one season in fifth grade where we were undefeated

Getting candy and sandwiches beforehand


Horseback riding lessons with friends

That one time where we had a race

And were jumping and gathering flowers


Coming back to school

After a long summer

And seeing how everyone had grown


Going to swim team

Early many summer mornings

Going to nordic practice

Late many winter afternoons


Spending time with friends

Playing tennis with a pickleball racket

And birthday parties.


Playing the piano

In different people’s houses

My favorite the shiny big grand

That I never have heard anyone else play


Long lake days

The one where I hadn’t seen you all summer

And I tried so hard to not get sunburned

And we played soccer and I dominated in chicken fights


Reading a great book

Or playing chess and minesweeper and solitaire and google snake

And jumping in the river


Turning in a big project

When you know you’ve worked your hardest

Learning a new language

Traveling and long drives











13 years old

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