My Mountain

I am a mountain; glorious and strong. I am strong, and stable. When the wind comes blowing, I can hold my own. I may not be the tallest mountain in the mountain range, but I can still make an audible avalanche occur. I am not just a fledgling anymore, I can take care of myself. Everyday, I get many hikers on my beautiful trails. On the outside I may look as strong as a giant, but on the inside, I’m as delicate as a feather; soft, and light. When you see my mountain, it may seem like a daunting task to climb me, with twists, turns, and surprises around every corner, but I can guarantee it’s worth the effort to figure me out. For when you get to my peak, you will see a delightful, serene view.  Even though lots of hikers climb me everyday, many people don’t know about me. It’s almost like I’m a diamond in the rough, that only a select few know about. I wish more knew about me so that I could spread the joy of getting to my peak to everyone. Somedays I feel sad, and lonely. Think about it, how would you feel if you had to stay in the same place all day, every day? Not making any friends, because no one is around you for miles? And you don’t get to travel the world, you get to see a corner of it, a minuscule amount? But most days, I’m grateful for this incredible opportunity I get to be a mountain. Some people only get to be hills for their whole life, but I get to be a mountain.  Get to watch the sun set and night, and watch it rise again in the morning. I get a front-row seat to marriage proposals, weddings, and every-day picnics. Don’t tell anyone but sometimes, okay, most of the time, I like to listen in on the hikers’ conversations. I get to listen to all the gossip and drama going on in their lives, because it’s not like I have a lot of that in my life. Overall, I love being a mountain, you get hikers’ company, gorgeous sights, and the ability to make people’s lives just a little bit happier.

Summit House-WCS


YWP Instructor