In the night

There's this beauty in the unknown outside my window
Dark and heavy
As though miles beneath the water
Where everything is quieter, slower
Except for a few stars
There is nothing
I wonder 
If I were to climb down from my room
And walk along the frozen stream
What I would find
Is there some secret she hides from us in the night
Some unknown breath
Causing mountains to silently shift
And trees to shake free of their snow
If maybe I would sink down down down
Into snow that would cover me like a quilt
And I could finally hear her whispers
Of the geese soon to fly home
And the sun over silver lake
She would wear the moon draped over her shoulders
And walk among stars
Where it would rain the next day
And if she would send the winds out to play
As the world spun
And we slept in our beds
She would drift
Here and there
Carrying the sun in her hands
Thinking of tomorrow



18 years old

More by Sunflowergirl

  • Waiting for Winter

    I wait for winter
    in her heavy white boots
    and sharp sparkling nails
    her 5th avenue white fur coat
    and flushed pink cheeks
    she wears black tights
    taught over thin, toned legs
    summer and autumn
    watch her in envy
  • roots

    My deep tangled roots
    Twisted into knots
    Running cross country
    Are dragging towards the ocean
    Yearning for the sun dripping down
    Over wet seals bodies
    In warm embrace
    I want nothing to do
    With this life
  • Sunday

    The rain has found its way
    Onto our mountain
    Drenching each new bud
    Reaching for life 
    In the foggy air
    Smothering their joyous cries
    As mud seems to engulf us
    By one