oh to be like a tree

The air is warm, with a light breeze that ruffles the trees. 

Just a short walk from my house is my safe space. The place I go to take a break or go on an adventure. Surrounded by dirt and trees and a tiny stream, is where I constantly dream to be. 

The trees are my friends in that they provide for me without end; whether that be a cooling shade, warmth from the winds, or a place simply to breathe, they’ll always be serene. 

Why I long to be amongst the trees, might be to foresee the need to be free. Maybe it’s the sense of quiet that I crave or the concert of creatures of entrancing leisure. What can I say? The bees, the birds, and the bugs are the songs to my sway. 

The trees welcome all, as should we. I can’t be naive to the trees that came before, for they’ll be the ones here when we leave. Only will that be true if we see things through. So with the respect they treat me, they should receive a gleam of guarantee. 

Go speak to the trees without mystique. They are the foundations of our land and we must not be bleak. Go now and grow with the trees, learn how to contribute to their ease, and show how to appease. And with that, you will be free like a tree. 



20 years old

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