The ones who pull you up

It’s 1123 pm

and I am writing because it’s 

dangerous for me to be alone with my thoughts right now.

the world is an unfair place, you know? you work and worry and feel and sometimes-

sometimes it doesn’t pay off.

sometimes you are 

    left on the ground

with your wrists snapped and your 

legs shattered and your 

heart crushed

by the weight of the world.

sometimes you pour out your love, give all your passion to the people and things you would 

give everything to,

give every ounce of 


and sometimes, it still doesn’t pay off.

but still, you keep doing it because maybe one day it will love you as much as you love it.

But the more I am left 

half-dead, the more I think that the world is really just trying to remind us to look for those people.

because even when life crushes your very bones, those people who you have gone
through wins and losses with,
saw hurt and change and power with, the ones who you have laughed and loved and

lived with, 

they will pull you back up. they will take one look at you and help you from the ground, hold you into their own arms when you can’t stand on your own feet.

Yeah. So just 
remember that yeah, the world can destroy you, but being destroyed can also reveal the ones who love you as much as you love them.

Who would do anything for you, just as you would
for them.

Sayornis p.


15 years old

More by Sayornis p.