Our ever-giving mother

How is it that we’ve achieved consciousness
in so few realms?
We fail to welcome Mother Nature’s intentions.

I dream of a world in which ALL coexist:
creature with creature,
plant with plant,
corporation with corporation,
corporation with land and creature,
and all possible combinations of the above listed.

We’ve stolen land and dignity from indigenous people ––
the wise teachers.
They know it is important to LOVE 
–– and are facing karma.

How is it that we have become so ignorant 
and self-absorbed that Mother’s role is 
no longer applicable to our toy-plastic-world?
Her walls keep giving
even with nothing in return.
They protect us, nurture us,
take care of us when our body needs healing,
and can provide us with the sweetest solitude.

And yet, we push her away.

–– we regurgitate her fruits
if not waste them completely
–– squirm in disgust
when her forests grow
–– are not compassionate
when she cries.

But she keeps on giving
and will continue to keep giving
until she can’t any longer.

Eloise Silver Van Meter


YWP Alumni