I know that many people in this world are considered "Weird" or "Not human," and that our horrible president encourages this, to mock people, to call them stupid, and to call them NOT HUMAN. It's plain stupid. If you see yourself as gay, or non-binary, it doesn't mean you're not a human. All people deserve rights, no matter what you believe, all people have a voice, and they should use it.
I want all people to know, that they matter. People like trump are shutting others down, which is leading people to feel bad about themselves. No person deserves to be shut down for if they feel different about themselves; no person should feel bad for being gay, non-binary, being as though they confirm as a girl, boy, they, them, or not a gender at all.
Whichever gender you were born as, doesn't mean that's what you have to be. if you were a boy at birth, it doesn't mean you can't be a girl. For all the people out there, who support or are part of PRIDE, just remember, you are enough. And for all the people out there who aren't PRIDE, or the people who don't support it, think about this; all humans have rights no matter what you go as, and everyone is enough.
(I hope I am able to change your mind, if you don't support PRIDE) (Please read my other Essay; What has happened to us)
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