The Path to Winter (from the perspective of a leaf)

I hold on, afraid to let go, 

to leave the only home I know 

I watch the other leaves dance to the ground

I hear them die as the crunch sounds

Their last calls echo through the forest


The beauty of winter has not arrived 

But most of the other leaves have died

They have fallen from our tree like angels

Their soft red, orange, and yellow halos

Decorate the forest floor


The beauty of all my siblings show the path 

The path of how winter descends its wrath

Forcing us to the ground, where I now fall

I have lost the battle to winter forced by the wind

We are now all pinned 

Pinned to the ground and forging the path 


The path to winter

Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Autumn '24: Writing. See Award Winners and All Submissions.



14 years old