The People Who Were Fearless

I've never known anyone
who is fearless
The way I figure
if you're never afraid
of anything
it means you've got
or you think you've got
which means you don't care about 
enough to be willing to lose 
Over time, they change
But then again,
ever stays the same for long
So maybe one day
I'll meet someone who's not afraid of
but I won't bring myself to know
such an empty soul
No, instead
I'll look in their dull eyes
fearlessly defiant
and declare that they are quite possibly
and then I'll take their empty bottles
and fill them will all the fear
I fear for them
and then they'll have to fear
trying to shake off the one person
who cares
I've never known anyone 
who is fearless,
The only people I've ever known
are people who were fearless




YWP Alumni

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