
A competition, 100 contestants, crazy challenges, and only 1 winner. This was the kind of show everyone wanted to be on. I mean the show called “Something for Everyone” for a reason. Not to mention the money! Wow, you could retire then and there if you won that cheddar! The “Something for Everyone” show only just started their new season. Season 2! It’s crazy to think how popular it’s already become, I myself am an avid fan. What’s even crazier is that… I’m. On. The. Show. Me! And I’m doing good. I’ve already completed 34 of the 50 challenges. Each day there's a new challenge, sometimes harder sometimes easier. Challenges have their own styles to match everyone’s tastes in hobbies. The only problem with being on the show is losing, like anything you don’t want to lose. This is globally popular, everyone in the world plays, everyone in the world watches. It would be way too embarrassing to lose, that’s why I’ve been trying so hard. I wanted to be the one to win, the first winner of “Something for Everyone” got all the money and now is on the winner’s board. The winner’s board holds every winner of the show on it to give the line-up of the all-star season, cause anyone who wins is automatically an all-star. I want to be the second all-star, I want to be on that board, I will be on that board! I’m currently standing on the edge of a pool getting ready for the 35th competition. Perfect, this looks just like my kind of challenge. An obstacle course. The directions said we had to dive into the pool swim across and back, sprint towards a rock climbing wall, climb up until your at the top, strap your rock climbing harness onto a tightrope go across (one at a time) and finish by jumping back into the pool, or go down the ladder and forfeit. The tightropes are pretty high up, I wasn’t lying when I said the challenges were crazy. It was mainly this crazy for attention and more people watching, but they also need to make up for all the money they’re giving away. The… BANG! My train of thought was cut off by the loud ear-shattering sound of the starting gun. I ended up starting behind everyone because of my recent fright, but that shouldn’t be an excuse to lose. I picked up my speed until I felt like I needed to reserve some of my energy. Some people have already turned around, going back across the pool which meant I wasn’t going to win the pool part of the obstacle course. That didn’t matter to me though the first one to jump off the tightrope would win not the first one out of the pool. I also just need to beat some people so I’m not disqualified. I finally was out of the pool with only a few people in front of me, I was pretty lucky nobody could really get out of the pool. The rock climbing wall was my next step, but it could only hold five climbers at a time. There were 7 people in front of me and that was a problem if I wanted to win, so I used my best talent to outrun all the contestants in my way. My speed gave me a ginormous advantage against the others, everyone else was a little under halfway or less of the rock climbing wall by the time I was done. Now I was on the tightrope, to be honest, it’s a bit scary this high. Nothing will steal this moment from me though, not even a tightrope that seemed taller than the Eiffel tower! It all seemed like all a big dream once I emerged from the water looking up at the scoreboard, ready to see my smiling face placed at first place. But to my surprise I wasn’t first, I didn’t even see the guy in front of me. I was in shock I thought this was going to be my big win, but this boy took my opportunity! He was already out of the pool drying off, and here I was in second place cold and wet in the pool. After a while I got over my loss in the obstacle course, the thing is, I got used to second place. Yes, I got first sometimes, but most of the time that boy kept getting my first place wins! But now it was the final showdown, me and him. I was planning to have this challenge be one of my first place wins. Perfect for me this looked like the kind of challenge he kept losing and I kept winning. I was ready. He looked ready too. And just like that, the buzzer went off for start. The goal of this competition was to get a single puzzle completed first. It was so simple I could get it in a second. But I was in shock when I was the puzzle in front of me. It was a wall full of puzzles at least 50 feet tall and wide. I should’ve known it wouldn’t be this easy. I started climbing the ladder up the wall, the real goal of this game was to find the right puzzle out out all of them. You’d know what is the right puzzle once you complete it and it opens a door to the finish line. I could be doing so many puzzles before I get to the actual one! My enemy and I were both speed climbing the latter until he slipped and had to catch onto another railing than the one he actually wanted, it was honestly incredible how resilient he was. We started on different rows he had completed 6 and I had completed 9. None of which were the door to first place. We went on in our competition for ages until we were running for the same puzzle. It was a gamble, there were only two puzzles left and we had the same idea for what puzzle we wanted. But something told me to go to the puzzle below so I stopped. I climbed down to the puzzle I decided to go to and started working hoping I had picked the right one. It was certainly harder than the other puzzles, could this be the one? I had one last piece and placed it in, opening the door slowly. What I got was the cold slap of loss, and big words saying WRONG DOOR like all the other puzzles. And that was the moment when I knew it had all flown out of my reach…


Summit House-WCS


YWP Instructor