
I often think about my childhood,
Where the birds and bees flourish at dawn.
It's funny to think that I was there once,
Like a dream that I wish to remember.

When I try to see the things again,
I am met with utter disappointment.
Flowers are something that comes to mind,
A beautiful life that I can see. 

Lilacs, roses, lilies, and glories,
But only a few of them still stand 
To meet my gaze today. 
The lilacs are dying, and roses are gone.

We had an arch that swayed with the wind,
The sounds of creeks and snaps when winds were harsh.
The roses grew to keep it stable, 
But now they’re dead, derooted from the Earth.
The lilacs I mention are one of four,
The only ones with a stronger fragrance.
They stood near the window and blew a fresh scent,
But now it's overgrown and barely blooms.

When I think of childhood, 
A single note hangs in the air.
It’s a pretty note of laughter and fun,
But also a reminder of what’s to come. 

I’m not a child anymore,
And soon I will become an adult. 
But must I do so all at once?
I’m not ready, it scares me to death.

If I could go and relive it again,
Would my life turn out the same?
Will my nightmares turn to dreams? 
Can I make it all better again?

For now, I guess, I’ll have to grow.
Like the flowers from my past,
I will sprout and learn to bloom my way. 
It might not happen for me, but I guess I’ll have to see.



YWP Alumni

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