Ripplefur's choice
For my friends and family
Leader: Mossstar (Brown tabby she-cat)
Deputy: Falconflight (Light brown tom with green eyes and dark stripess running down his back)
Medicine cat: Spottedflower (A white she-cat with spots that look like a flower)
Batwhisper (Black tom with green eyes, big ears and a croaky voice)
Hawkflight (A light brown tom with little green eye, easily catches hawks)
Ryefeather (A dark spotted red-brown tom with blazing amber eyes)
Squirrelfoot (A bright red She-cat with royal blue eyes)
Goldshine (A light golden tabby tom with bright yellow eyes)
Bluefang (A gray-blue tom with ice blue eyes that is great at fighting)
Lightsun (A silver and light gold tom with stunning gold eyes)
Dawnfang (A golden she-cat with fierce teeth and green eyes)
Turtleshell (A tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes)
Littlefoot (A cream tom with small feet and blue eyes)
Fallenheart (A brown tom with sad brown eyes)
Mistpaw (A swift grey she with white spot scattered around her back)
Sunpaw (A bright gold tom with a white stomach and brown eyes)
Moonpaw (A white and black she-cat with a green eye and blue eye)
Forestpaw (A small brown tom with a white tail and green eyes)
Smallpaw (A small grey she-cat with green eyes)
Nightwhisper (A softspoken black she-cat with dark blue eyes. Mates with Batwhisper. Kits are Ripplekit, a black she-cat with a fluffy grey tail and white paws. She has blue eyes, Riverkit, a blue tom with silver eyes, Waterkit, White tom with grey spots and blue eyes, Rainkit a black she-cat with a white stomach and green eyes, and Whisperkit, a small frail tom with dazzling blue eyes)
Silver (A beautiful silver she-cat with blue eyes. Mates with Falconflight. Kits are Streamkit, a light brown she-cat with. Sunkit a golden she-cat with brown eyes. Littlekit, a scrawny white and brown tom with green eyes. Shadowkit, a black she-cat with dazzling blue eyes. Leafkit, a silver she-cat with dark forest green eyes. Moonkit, a silky silver she-cat with light green eyes. She looks just like her sister Leafkit. And Barkkit, A brown tom with dark brown and light brown spots.)
Sweetsong (Striped grey she-cat with blue eyes. Mates with Goldshine. Pregnant with two kits.)
Leader: Articstar
Deputy: Driftfang
Medicine cat: Whiteleaf
Graytail (A dilute tortoiseshell tom, blue eyes, with red and only a bit of gray on the tail)
Brightfoot (A white and orange she-cat with blue eyes and the only orange on her feet)
Poppyseed (A brown she-cat with spots/tabby and bright yellow eyes)
Tink (A young gray tom with yellow eyes)
Bink (A young orange tabby tom with green eyes)
Fink (A black and white tom with blue eyes)
Troubletail (A black and gray tom with blue eyes, used to be a kittypet with Tink, Bink, and Fink, father of Tink, Bink, and Fink)
Trappedtrout (A very pale gray tabby tom with ice blue eyes, excellent at catching trouts under the ice)
Windwing (A pale brown spotted tom with pale green eyes)
Palehare (A large white she-cat with yellow eyes, very tough)
Wolfheart (A wolf looking she-cat with a torn ear)
Foxtail (A black tom with a bright orange bushy tail)
Medicine cat:
Silverthorn (A silver tabby tom with green eyes, sharp claws, and he’s grumpy)
Slashfire (A old gray tom with blue eyes known for his quick blows in a fight)
Ravenstone (An almost pitch black she-cat with blue eyes)
Pebbleriver (A spotted dark gray tabby she-cat with amber eyes)
Hawkhunter (A brown tabby tom with green eyes known for catching hawks)
Medicine cat:
Berryfur (A heartbroken dark grey tom with flower in his ear)
Pondfish (A light gray tom with green eyes who is Berryfur’s mate, but Berryfur has dementia and keeps thinking Pondfish is dead)
Chapter 1
“Ripplekit get your head out of the snow” Nightwhisper scolded.
I yanked my head out of the snow. “Sowy” I meowed tilting my head to the side my eyes wide. She looked at me with pity in her eyes.
“It’s okay. You could get a fever that’s all.” She meowed.
“Here.” She meowed. She tossed a ball of moss in the air. My muscles bunched as I leaped. I swatted the moss out of the air.
“Good j-” I was waiting for her praise when a big bang interrupted her.
My ears pinned. “Mommy!” I yelped. She laughed.
“It’s ok. Go get your siblings and get to the log.” She meowed wordily.
“Why” I quired.
“It’s going to storm again.” She sighed. I nodded. I ran through the snow my paws sinking in. The snow felt cold on my stomach. I can do this. I meowed in my head. My tail held high I ran through the snow. Pushing hard my paws skimmed the snow like I was running on water.
“Riverkit, Rainkit, Waterkit, mom wants us in the log.” I meowed solemnly.
“Why” Waterkit whined.
“She said it was going to storm again and we need to stay warm.” I hissed.
“What about Otterkit and Darkkit” Riverkit asked. His body strong against the strong, cold breeze. I looked at the two kits who were huddling together.
“I’ll get them.” Rainkit meowed.
“I want to come with you.” I meowed. Otterkit looked me. My gaze didn’t leave Otterkit’s warm amber eyes. My heart melted as I tried to pull away. Darkkit stepped in front of him ready to start bragging about his catch.
“Come on.” I meowed. I glided over the snow, sliding in it. I landed on the pile of snow next to Darkkit. He started to growl as snow sprayed him. He looked at me the walked off towards his brother, not saying a word.
“We need to go inside.” Rainkit meowed as she skidded to a halt beside me.
“Okay” Otterkit’s voice meowed gently. He padded over to us ready to leave.
“Come on.” He meowed. We raced together with Darkkit and Rainkit hard on our paws. We reached the log spraying snow everywhere. Otterkit blushed. We padded in to see Sunkit, Streamkit, Littlekit, Shadowkit, Leafkit, Moonkit, and Barkkit curled together. They're tiny bodies shivering.
“Where are your siblings?” Otterkit quired.
“We are right here.” Riverkit meowed following Waterkit out of a hole. The shelter of the bark shielded us from the cold wind. The bark overhead looked like it could cave in. Our mother always said it could never as the branches and leaves overhead would protect us. My mother padded in with my father on her tail.
My mother Nightwhisper looked scared. "Kits, gather around." My father Batwhisper meowed trying to keep his voice steady. I nudged Rainkit up from her nest. "Has an-" Batwhisper started.
"Has anyone seen Whisperkit?!" Nightwhisper cried.
My ears perked. "No!" I exclaimed. Before another word I sprinted out digging my tiny paws through the snow. Clouds were growing darker and darker as the storm pressed on. My paws were frozen to the ground as I heard a tiny whimper. "Whisperkit!" I exclaimed running around.
As I ran towards the elders den a voice called "Ripplekit what's wrong?" My leader Mossstar meowed.
"Whisperkit's gone!" I wailed. "He's here somewhere right?" I meowed tears streaming down my face.
Mossstar's gaze changed quickly. "Clan gather around!" She shouted quickly. "Now!" She yowled. Cats streamed out of their dens.
By the way you added Falconflight twice, as a warrior and deputy, both with different descriptions.
Thanks! I will change it now.
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