School is, well, school.
School is something that will make you want to scream sometimes.
Or cry, or just wish you could
go home already.
School is another weight to carry, heavier than a backpack full of
books and binders and notebooks
(although school comes with that, too, as a bonus).
But school is school, and that means that it's fun, too,
and there are friends
and there are teachers and classmates
and things to learn and things to do and things to laugh at
and school is something that, maybe, someday,
you'll miss. A lot.
(Especially if you have to do it from home for 3 months because of a pandemic. But anyway.)
School is an opportunity, and maybe that sounds like
it's golden and shiny, and it's not, but
school is not only what school gives you,
but what you make of it, too, and so, please,
make something good.
Don't you dare be
mean, or
try to be the same as everyone else, or
invite school to be your enemy
if there are ways for it to be your friend.
Because it may not be golden or shiny, and no way will it be easy,
when you have the right attitude
when you're kind
when you do your best
when you be yourself,
then, maybe,
you can make school
School is something that will make you want to scream sometimes.
Or cry, or just wish you could
go home already.
School is another weight to carry, heavier than a backpack full of
books and binders and notebooks
(although school comes with that, too, as a bonus).
But school is school, and that means that it's fun, too,
and there are friends
and there are teachers and classmates
and things to learn and things to do and things to laugh at
and school is something that, maybe, someday,
you'll miss. A lot.
(Especially if you have to do it from home for 3 months because of a pandemic. But anyway.)
School is an opportunity, and maybe that sounds like
it's golden and shiny, and it's not, but
school is not only what school gives you,
but what you make of it, too, and so, please,
make something good.
Don't you dare be
mean, or
try to be the same as everyone else, or
invite school to be your enemy
if there are ways for it to be your friend.
Because it may not be golden or shiny, and no way will it be easy,
when you have the right attitude
when you're kind
when you do your best
when you be yourself,
then, maybe,
you can make school
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