A Season of Beauty

Fall is a season of beauty. That is at least what I believe. Lots of people go leaf peeping. For me, I play soccer and enjoy the cool weather. What I think of when I think of fall is colorful Vermont leaves falling down on the ground making the ground a beautiful sight. Fall is a place where we are not extremely warm even when the wind blows. Fall is like a nice peace time. I enjoy that time of peace. It’s one of my favorite times of the year. My only problem with fall is the haunting of the start of winter and Christmas shopping. Otherwise I enjoy fall. I play soccer for my school and see my friends that I didn’t see over the summer. This is the time where I can relax outside and it’s not raining or snowing everyday. This it a time where I get to ease into the school year and get ready for classes. Fall is a positive time. I enjoy fall a lot and I hope you feel the same as me. I hope you get to spend the time you need you spend with your kids or if you don’t have kids, you spend time with your family.

Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Fall '23: Writing.

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