Snow Day!

Winter is wonderful,

Oh yes it is,

The snowflakes fall on a cool winter night, 

The frost blankets everything in the nighttime,

In the morning when we awake we are in for a beautiful sight, 

Three feet of snow covers the ground,

So what do you know, it’s a snow day!

No school for me or you, 

Time to get up your parents don’t say, because it’s a snow day!

After you eat, it’s time to make snow angels with friends,

To laugh and play all day,

You’re clad in all your warmest winter gear,

You build a snowman as happy as can be,

With his bright orange nose to his big to his beaming grin,

You build tunnels through the snow all through the day,

Hopefully they won’t collapse on your body so small,

You crawl and crawl,

Snow wiggling its way to chill your tiny body,

“Are you getting cold!” your mother hollers. 

You think, never I could be out here all night,

You know I think I just might,

You trudge and trudge through the snow that’s now knee-deep,

You run out of breath, 

Time to call it a day,

As if on cue your mom hollers, “Come have some hot cocoa, it’s time for dinner.”

You catch one more unique, sparkling snowflake on your tongue,

Into the snow one last time, you plunge,

That night you sleep peacefully,

Exhausted from running around all day,

The next morning when you awake,

Hoping to see your snowman friend,

All that’s there is a pile of slush, and water,

Snowmen can’t last forever,

Just like a snow day


Summit House-WCS


YWP Instructor