Stream of Consciousness

42 minutes until school is over. But Fridays suck because I have to go to work. And it's Friday, it's gonna be very busy. I just wanna go home and watch Suits. Work sucks now because we are understaffed and I have to do three people's jobs. However, I like the people I work with. The music my teacher is playing is so loud and I wanna get up and turn down the volume. It's way too hot in this school which is funny because yesterday I was freezing. I need water but the cafeteria is closed and I don't have a water bottle. I want to go home so bad. I'm probably gonna write this at least 5 times before I'm done. I swear this music is getting louder. I don't hate the Mozart she's playing but I'm sitting right next to the speaker and I'm going deaf. I  wore my slippers to school today. Probably the best part of my day. I haven't worn anything besides sweatpants this entire week. I feel like I have been writing for 20 minutes. It's been five. Anywho I wanna go home. 



18 years old

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