Summer 2020

I'm trying so hard
not to be bummed out
but what I really want to do
is to scream and shout

I know that life 
has never been fair
but this seems outrageous

I want to leave my house
I want to leave my state
I want to see my family
I want to see my friends

I want to drive away
and never look back

I'm done
I'm out

Jump in
let's go

I want to feel the wind
rushing through my hair
and I want to laugh

I want to wade in the ocean
and shriek when it's too cold
and I want to laugh

This summer will be memorable
just not in the way I want it

I want photos 
to hang on my wall
filled with memories
of the fun we had

The fun we won't have
this summer at home

It's summer 2020
a social distancing summer
a summer of fun
six feet apart

I don't think
I can have fun
six feet apart

I don't think
I can have fun
in a mask

I don't think I can be
optimistic much longer
I'm running out
of bright sides to look on



19 years old