Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved Halloween with all my heart. Every year I would decorate my room for Halloween 2 months in advance. I would set an alarm at 5:00 a.m. on Halloween morning to wake up and get everything ready for the day. I am 13 now, I don't trick or treat and I'm not dressing up to match my brothers. Instead, I'm going to a Halloween party. Halloween rolls around just like it did every year, except I did not set my alarm. I slept in and watched a movie all morning. When it started to get dark I went upstairs to get ready. It was wearing a Halloween costume, just not a childish one. My costume was laying out on my bed and I started to do my makeup. I slipped my costume on, put my shoes on and hopped in the car. The house I was going to was gigantic. It was like a mansion, full to the brim with spooky Halloween decorations, candy and drinks. When I got there it did not feel right, but I ignored it and continued to party. After some time everybody decided to play hide and seek in the mansion. I was the first Seeker so I sat on the couch and counted 100. As I counted I could hear everybody go silent till I could hear nothing at all. It sent shivers down my spine and into my arms. I decided to try and be resilient and keep looking. While I was counting. When I finally got to 100 I opened my eyes and looked around and there was nobody to be seen or heard. I started to get nervous but then I remembered we were playing hide and seek in the goal to not be found. So I went around looking, and still nobody after 20 minutes of searching. I walked into the master bedroom and saw a closet big enough to fit multiple people. I saw a weird glowing light coming from under the door. I reached my hand out, slowly Twisted the knob and started to pull the door open and…
News report: Teenage girl gone missing.
Attributes: Tall, blond hair and blue eyes.
Evidence: The detectives found a diary. The last thing she wrote was the paragraphs above.
Case update: Still missing
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Fall '23: Writing.
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