wishing & waiting

once I had a friend

who said we’d be forever;

we sat under the endless

enchanting skies,

the taste of flowers

on our tongues,

hands wrapped together

in an inescapable maze

that I wished

we could never leave.


we smiled, we laughed,

we spun across the grasslands,

carving our dance steps

into the sinking brown field

and I forgot what it was like

to long, to envy, to cry,

because I had everything

right in front of my eyes,

right with your eyes on me,

right with your hands in mine.


you watched the episodes

of my life, never skipping

a season, a story, a second,

and more times than not,

you were the star of the show,

the actor under the spotlight,

the center of my life.

(and I hope I was the center

of yours, too.)


if we had never met,

our happiness would remain

an unplanted seed;

but there you stood,

feeding life to the flower;

and yet, I wonder,

if I had stayed lost,

would I be happier

than the broken being

that I am now?


once I had a friend

who said we’d be forever.


I sit under the endless

enchanting skies,

the scent of flowers

breezing past my nose,

hands wrapped together

in an inescapable maze

that I wished

you had never left.

Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.



18 years old