would you go back to your childhood with all the knowledge you have now?

Would you go back to when you were a child with the knowledge you have now? Think about it, you could help out people more than what you could with the knowledge you didn’t have before; I would go back to my childhood with the knowledge I have now. Because of my knowledge of how the world works, and because of the stress of many different things that I didn’t understand, I would often enter a fictional world where I would have adventures with characters from shows I used to watch as a kid. In fact it happens more often when I get stressed out, and if someone brought me out of the scenario, I would often respond after they called my name. And I would’ve liked to know that I would know how to calm myself down before it explodes into a Autistic meltdown. Because of that I would often throw items and try to flail and fight back, because I didn’t like the holds they used. Because the company where my helper used to work would make them hold the kids down whenever they had a meltdown. I would also have more meltdowns on red food coloring, like when I was little at a party I had some Hawaiian punch, and the next day at my homeschooling group I had a massive meltdown and wouldn’t stop screaming and yelling over the smallest thing. And with my Autism and ADHD I can’t be organized or have chaos in my life, I would love to know how I can be ‘organized’ and ‘normal.’

I also love to write silly stories about my oc meeting fictional characters that I ship them with, or even having adventures on their own and finding who they are, and as a kid I would wake up at early hours and go to my parents room and ask if I could watch ‘Sonic X’ on their tv and I would also watch TMNT and made myself a ninja mask with paper, string and a orange marker. So I could be like Michelangelo from the same show, I would also push random keys on my Mom’s computer keyboard and pretend I wrote these amazing letters to fictional characters, like Donatello who I had a crush on I also found April O’neil really pretty, but I didn’t know about girls liking other girls; so I gently hit my head while saying that I was a girl and that I liked boys not girls. So Donnie and April were my Queer awaking, I also would play with some Lego ‘Bionicle’ toys that a kid let me play with even though I didn’t know what the story was.

We also had pet rats that I loved to look at when I was little, I wouldn’t hold or pet them; just look at them and one time we didn’t separate the male and female rats so one of the female rats became defensive and one day we heard squeaking coming from the cage and then we saw many baby rats. We kept some of the baby rats, and we also had a male rat that had a habit of biting and was overall aggressive. One time when I was younger and eating a banana my weird brain decided to stick my finger near the aggressive male rat, when the rat smelled banana then immediately bit my finger so hard it drew blood. That was how I became scared of holding pet rats for a while. I've long since gotten over that fear now knowing that pet rats usually don’t usually mean harm when they bite. It’s because they can’t see all that good but instead they use their sense of smell so that’s probably why that male rat bit me, the finger had probably smelled of banana, and nowadays I have three female pet rats named Melody, my elder rat she is a capped standard eared fancy rat she is around 2 and half years old and loves to be with me. Cinnamon, who we call Cin for short, she is around 9 months old. Cin is an Albino Standard eared fancy rat who had a litter of babies before we adopted her. She's pretty active when we take her out of the cage. Finally there is Marble, She is around the same age as Cinnamon, and is a Dumbo eared capped or masked rat with the Rex gene which means her whiskers curl in a bit and her fur is slightly rough to the touch and she is the most skittish of the mischief, she will also hesitate before she takes a treat. 



18 years old