Twilight Reimagined

“Beau. Are you sure you want this?” My mother asked, worry lines wrinkling her forehead.
“Yeah.” I said, taking a deep breath and sighing.
I had decided to move to my fathers house, in an unknown town in Washington called Forks. My mothers new boyfriend was too much for me and I needed a break. Hoisting my bags out of the car we shared I climbed out of the passenger's seat and leaned into the window.
“Bye mom,” I said as she kissed my cheeks. I rolled my suitcases into the airport and waited.
“Beau. Are you sure you want this?” Charlie (my father) asked, worry lines wrinkling his forehead.
“Yeah.” I said, taking a deep breath and sighing.
Deciding to move to Forks was a good idea, and I was proud of making the decision by myself.
Charlie smiled. “Then welcome home,” he said, his cheeks rosey with joy. I smiled. “Wait! He said, pulling out of the airport driveway, “I forgot to tell you!!! I’m sure you don’t remember Billy but his son works on cars. He let me buy you a truck for a good price. I know you wanted to buy your own car but trust me! You’re going to love it. It’s very capacious and it will facilitate your drive to school”
I nodded, too shocked to speak. The song We’ve had the time of our lives was playing in the background. What an odd choice. I would’ve chosen classical but I digress.
When we got home, I noticed an old, rusty truck sitting in the driveway. He was right. I did love it. Looking up, I stared at the huge house, soaking it all in. Clips and blips of memories came back up and I bit back a tear.
Racing upstairs I dumped my clothes on my bed and turned around in my room. Looking out of the window I gasped. A forest stood there, with milky white fog, and some weird green moss that covered each tree. Instantly I hated it. Trees weren't supposed to be covered in moss. Oh well.



Summit House-WCS


YWP Instructor