My Spirit

If I had a spirit watching over me as my personal guardian, it would probably take the form of a small light or warmth to let me know it's around. However, it would only be something that I can see. It would fly around through the air, maybe go through walls or even people. My spirit would come and go whenever and hopefully give me some sage advice. I’m not super sure what spirits can do but maybe mine can see into the future. It could possibly tell me what to do if I’m in a tough situation. It could tell me what my future might hold as well. Say I meet a new friend who I want to be friends with, however, my spirit is telling me that they are an untrustworthy person. Or I can know every answer to my math test without studying. My spirit would talk to me in a quiet way that only I can hear, maybe in a different language that I can understand.  Sometimes spirits can give you peace although, some can haunt you. The invisible ones may move a glass to fall on the floor or woosh by you, making you feel a gush of wind. Or some can possess you. My spirit would definitely comfort me and make me feel safe. I’m not sure if I would name my spirit, if I did, I would name it something important to me in life. I’d hope my spirit would help me throughout life, and help me become a better person

Summit House-WCS


YWP Instructor