Rainbow Dreams

I know
I know
a rainbow 
is water droplets
refracting sunbeams
and the rainbow
has no end
but hey
let me dream
it won't hurt
to disregard science
for a little while
and find 
where water and sun
meet earth
Just try
and picture it
the majestic bow 
curving down
through sparkling mist
touching down
I see it
in my mind's eye
arcing through the sky
and ending 
next to a bog
where songbirds
and bullfrogs
and crickets
join in raucous harmony 
And where the bow 
touches the earth
flowers sprout
every color
of the rainbow
and sparkling
with dew
I wish I could get there
and sit there
in the colors
but alas
a rainbow 
is water droplets
refracting sunbeams
and the rainbow
has no end
but I will
disregard science
and find
where water and sun
meet earth




19 years old