The Singer

A lone singer
on an empty stage
facing an audience
near-frozen in fear  
She visibly shakes
and her heartbeat
sends shudders
through her chest 
One shaky inhale
and the chatter ends
awaiting the song
She stalls for a moment
catching her breath
and then
the final breath
before the song
That deep breath
full of intention
and then
the first note
hits the audience 
and yet
After that 
a piano joins
and the song seems to flow
long notes
and short notes
both high and low
The girl on the stage
no longer quakes
she's swaying
the music she makes
The audience sits
on the edge of their seats
drawn in 
by the melody
and dynamics
and watching the girl
so moved by her song
that tears
have come to her eyes
She sings of love
and death
and the audience
feels each part
and empathy
flows from them
in the form of teardrops
flowing from eyes
The last note dies
and not an eye is dry
not even the hardest
most calloused soul 
can help to shed a tear
The girl on the stage
takes a bow
her eyes glistening bright
she exits the stage
but her song
still echos
through the night




19 years old