Silent aid

As we are taking our test I look up.
One girl bent over in concentration,
face nearly touching her paper.
Another girl with one hand in her hair,
twisting it into knots and pulling out big clumps.
One guy slowly pulling out his phone,
carefully concealing it under his test paper.
My friend across the room,
her eyes squeezed tightly shut,
trying to stop the tears from slipping out.
I want to tell her that it will be okay,
it's just a formative,
but the teacher has already called for quiet twice 
and I don't want to try her patience.
Quietly, I complete my test
and bring it up to the front of the room,
drawing the attention of my classmates.
My friend's eyes meet mine,
glistening with tears and a look that says,
Help me.
I return her gaze with a look that is trying to say,
You're going to be okay, it's going to be okay.
She gives a tentative smile and I give her a thumbs up.
You've got this.
Finally her smile forms into an almost tangible grin,



19 years old