Teenager: Readings


Painting of a girl's face split down the middle in green/blue one side, browns on the other

Teenager: Readings

Listen to six YWP writers from Vermont who recorded their poems and essays about their lives as teenagers. These outstanding pieces were part of our writing and visual art contest, Teenager: Who Are You? Mary Catherine Jones of Voice Over Vermont generously opened her Shelburne recording studio to Young Writers Project to produce these recordings. A big thank you to Mary Catherine for amplifying the voices of young writers. We're excited to share the readings with you!


Title links will take you to each piece. 

Wind and Windowpane
By Elise Cournoyer, Richmond, VT

Life as a Pre-Teen Teenager
By Xander Barton, Williston, VT

When You Are a Girl
By Amelia Van Driesche, Burlington, VT 
No Matter How Many Birthdays
By Scarlett Cannizzaro, Essex, VT

This Sea of Voices
By Riley Bernatchy, Cambridge, VT

Being a Teenager Means ...
By Penelope Zygarowski, Burlington, VT

[Illustration: "Split Down The Middle" by Amelia Van Driesche, Burlington, VT]