We are Here

    Fairies are small, cute and innocent beings that everyone loves. They live under mushrooms and use acorn caps as hats. They are the lovely, lawful, little lambs. But that is like saying all sheep are docile. Watch out for the wolves in sheep's clothing. Fairfolk, leprechauns, merfolk, and others are exactly as said. But others, the weres, warfolk, dragons, and more are also fairies

    A common human mistake is what they call “stereotyping” but we call it just plain rude. We are all our own beings but humans divide and try to take us over. These days we are classified as myths and folktales. “They're not real,” they say. And when they do talk about us, we are a bunch of species. We are actually all around you. We are the animals around you. And we are waiting like the cat waits for the fish. We are waiting like the lion waits for the gazelle. We are waiting and you won't be ready.


Jonathan Barrows


17 years old

More by Jonathan Barrows

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    Others say peace means seeing past brood.

        Many try to exemplify it and pursue,

    But the world is still covered in gore anew.
  • Tower

    He stood up and walked over to the window, where the snow was coming down hard . He had been in the tower for days, no, weeks, and finally he could be free.
  • Peace

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    Others say peace means seeing past brood.

        Many try to exemplify it and pursue,

    But the world is still covered in gore anew.