Members of the YWP community describe what YWP is ... to them.

YWP is accepting. The moment you join the community, you are welcomed with open arms. Being a part of this community has encouraged me to continue creating, explore different mediums, and interact with writers and artists from all over. The people here are all wonderful and unique!
- Emilia Williams, 16, Thetford Center, VT

YWP is brilliant. For over six years, YWP has uplifted, supported, and motivated me; it has been the incredible opportunity to let emotions ripple through my writing and the place where I watched my "artisticness" thrive. Not only is it a fun, open, and inclusive space to spend time, but a home, where finding people like yourself and amazing writers and artists to connect with, is right at your fingertips, where you become a part of a wholehearted community of young teens who share a passion for expressing themselves through art and writing.
- Vivien Sorce, 16, Hinesburg, VT

YWP is honest. We are able to express our most honest, authentic beliefs and experiences through artwork and poetry on YWP. In a period of my life where I was going through a lot of tricky things, YWP became a safe haven for me where I knew I could find inspiring ways to express how I was feeling, and my work would be appreciated by other writers and artists all around. I've also really enjoyed the reverse – there's something so magical about reading or viewing others' work and being able to appreciate it through a whole different lens, knowing that your feedback and compliments do make a difference. The community is very tight-knit, supportive, and everybody is friends. YWP is so much more than just an online writing platform. YWP is like my second home.
- Elise Cournoyer, 14, Richmond, VT

Young Writers Project is my place of belonging. It has given me, and many others, an outlet to conjure our emotions into beautiful art and written pieces. I would not be the person or poet I am today without the welcoming writers and members of YWP.
- Sawyer Fellows, 17, East Burke, VT

YWP is community. On my very first day of being a part of YWP, other people on the site (who I didn't even know) were so kind and thoughtful when commenting on my writing. It seemed unbelievable that so many strangers could come together through writing without seeing a face or knowing a name to create this family that I feel would support me through anything. YWP is such an inviting, comfortable place to be able to do what I love to do around others that love the same thing. Thank you, YWP!
- Scarlett Cannizzaro, 16, Essex, VT

YWP is incredible! I love having a place to share my work. I feel like on YWP, I am constantly being challenged to think outside the box, and this organization has really helped me to learn more about writing, and more about myself, in a way. On YWP, my opinions are being heard, and my work valued. I am so grateful to be part of this wonderful community of writers and artists that has helped me grow so much!
- Astrid Longstreth, 13, West Bolton, VT

Young Writers Project is everything. My experience with it has been a mishmash of creativity through drawings, paintings, digital art, poems, paragraphs, short stories, and random thoughts. Anything and everything is accepted, and it is a truly wonderful place to be able to share your various forms of art.
- Maelyn Slavik, 13, Burlington, VT

Young Writers Project has been one of the most influential and life-changing things that I have participated in. It has quite literally saved my life by showing me a way to let my emotions out and create something beautiful and meaningful. I have only ever been met with love and support on the site, and it’s introduced me to tons of incredible opportunities. I strongly encourage everyone to make it a part of their lives somehow!
- Zoe Bernstein, 17, Jericho, VT