


YWP Alumni


  • If We Were Alive Again

    would we wake
    from our never-ending slumper
    when the world shakes and tears?

    were we alive, were we walking
    where would we be? where would we go?
    would you offer me your hat against the rain?
  • rockin on

    doesn't matter how hard it is to get up
    doesn't matter how much you sleep through your alarm
    you wake up and punch the sun
    scream, "I'M ON MY WAY!" and hop out of bed

    keep rockin, rockin on
    your limbs feel heavy from fatigue
  • practice room

    bells ringing
    off-beat, off-tempo
    piano keys answering

    it doesn't sound like music

    girth of a heavy cello swing
    not exactly unwelcome

    a timpani hit
    quick dash of the keys
  • Were Deer Predators

    were deer predators,
    what would be the fate of hunters trapped alone in the woods?
    with naught but their gun and bright orange hats
    camouflaged against the trees or their stands

    you think you've gotten lucky, a doe passing by you
  • Q

    you know, i never meant to say anything to you.

    it just happened, those little flashes of eye contact
    when i'd find that you were looking at me across the room while our teacher read
    it was a good poem, porphyria's lover
  • day

    golden hair spilling from confines of a braid,
    shimmering skin pale against the darkness of mine
    your eyes are closed, but i know the color that lies behind your lids

    a beautiful green, tinged with the blue of the sea