


YWP Alumni


  • Obsidian Foreboding

    Layers of pitch bog down the night
    Stagnant air filled with foreboding
    But it's probably my overactive brain
    Still suffering from the five cups 
    of scalding murky caffeine
    Guzzled this morning
  • International Haiku Day

    Happy Haiku Day
    Focus on all the small things
    Simple perfection

    To honor today
    We've written a few haikus
    For you to enjoy!

    Wind blows through the leaves
    See them dancing in the breeze
    Tallest tree I see
  • runnin' on empty

    i keep on
    typing things
    and pushing backspace
    erasing them
    from existence
    my words these days
    don't seem to come
    to life
    it's not even
    that i don't have the ideas
    taking pictures
    but not developing them
  • Words of Wisdom

    A chalice
    of cheap plastic
    with peeling gold paint
    Beckons me

    Folded slips
    fortune cookie hearts
    On the podium
    The sign reads
    Words of Wisdom

    Squeezing my eyes tight
    Until darkness becomes
    swimming color
  • Teal embrace

    I imagine
    a world that accepts all
    and takes anyone into
    its teal embrace,
    where everyone has a place
    they can call home,
    everyone is equal,
    on the same level
    in the same house,
    ctrl c and ctrl v,