


YWP Alumni


  • Burnt Out

    It's hard to write 
    a fiery romance
    when your eyelids
    are drooping, 
    half closed

    I wanted the poem
    To have a fire theme
    seared, smoky, flavorful
    Not the most original idea
    I admit
    But it ended up
  • Alone

    Stuck in this room
    With so much to do
    But not really wanting
    To do it

    I should play my viola
    Or I'm going to get rusty
    But the lonely music stand
    Doesn't compel me
    How I yearned for a solo
    Once upon a time
  • Purple Gray

    Or rather 
    this morning
    The night sky is purple gray
    Unlike what
    romantic poems say

    I can't tell
    if it's the light
    beaming from streetlamps
    intruding on the night
    the man-made
    piece of day
  • Scrambled Eggs

    This year
    Easter has been cancelled
    because the world 
    has turned into
    scrambled eggs

    our smooth protection
    was just a facade
    too fragile
    for the likes of our world
    now cracked
    beyond repair
  • The Normalcy of a School Day

    I can't say I miss the vicous cycle
    of getting ready for school
    when I don't remember turning off my alarm
    but end up scrambling unsuccessfully to
    or the moment in the car
  • Good Enough

    My heart thuds in my chest
    Faster than it probably should be
    Considering that I haven't done
    Any physical activity 
    In weeks

    My soul is still hoping
    Just recently repaired
    From the last shots of rejection