


18 years old


  • Freezing cold December

    sea blue scarves and mittens made by an aunt,
    cranberry-colored noses peeking out from all the fuzzy sheep's wool layers,
    dragon breath in frost-bitten air and numb toes but a warm heart,
  • You ARE

    You must,
    You have to,
    Everyone is watching.
    They all want you to fail,
    They don't think you can do this.
    There is no reason you,
    Out of everyone,
    Are better than them.

    You are better,
    Ignore those thoughts,
  • I scream

    I scream,
    but no one can hear me.
    I push my hands against the surface,
    willing it to crack.
    I have to get out,
    I need to get out.
    But no one hears my screams.

  • I want you to know

    I want you to know,
    How when those words,
    Fly through the air,
    And into my ears,
    Anger floods my body.
    All I want to do is hurt you,
    All I want to do is get my words out,
    All I want is for you to listen to me.

  • This boy

    As we walked along the deserted road, I began to realize that this boy, made of sunshine, had stolen my heart. He had taken it, along with my thoughts. He had both in the palm of his hand.
  • Books

    They tie me back to earth,
    When I feel all is lost.
    They keep me up at night,
    Eyes glued to the page.
    They make me smile,
    When a character falls in love,
    Teaching me the ways of life.