Golden tree
The challenge: Trees: If you were to name a tree that embodies your personality, which tree would you choose? [] -
fingers long,
fingers short,
palms big, -
These days
These days faces blend together,
all becoming one.
These days everyone looks the same,
pretty and thin.
These days everyone is told to love their body,
you are perfect just the way you are.
These days it's beautiful to be tall, -
My last name
Search Ends When Sharing Starts. That is the meaning of Van Driesche, my last name originally comes from Belgium. In Belgium and Holland, most last names start with Van because that means from. -
“‘How are you?’ I say. 'Well, lately the world is so strange," she said, "everything is changing and I was not ready for it."
I still remember sitting there,
back against the cold hard grass-covered ground,
not yet fall weather but almost there,
old friends and soon-to-be friends lined up in a giggling row,
stars shooting above our heads,