


17 years old


  • The Moon's Dance

    I talked to the sun yesterday 
    As it watched over the lake. 
    It was a little distracted at times watching the boaters pass by. 
    Soon, a new part of the sky turned in the night.
    It hides away while the sun plays. 
  • Good morning forest

     Gloom attempts to wrapp its stone heartless fingers around the cage that holds in the wild forest                        &nb
  • Break out

    One place to the next.                                                                &nbs
  • Game of life

    Life is like a video game. 

    You are the player but is their a goal. Is there a reason we play? 

    You might not have a choice, but winning is the goal.
  • Spiral of goodbyes

    sparkling droplets of fear and emptiness crossed faces as last glances were exchanged from loved ones. Who once stood as a whole, now divided. Screams echoed around the plaintive globe as love drifted from broken families. 
  • Earths Get Away

    The paddle glided through the clear fresh water like a snowboard through the cold frigid snow. Creating a rippling through the reservare. Flowing on the sides of the boat. The smell of the freshwater drifts up my nose.