


17 years old


  • A Single Penny

    Passed from one hand to another. 

    Lost in a drawer 

    Next to that broken pen 

    It's just change 

    But a penny cant change into a dollar 
  • among the walls

    She felt her cold hand wrap around the cold phone 

    She dialed those numbers as fast as she could with a dying heart 

    Soon she heard the voice on the other side 

    That was not the only voice that she heard 
  • The spirit of icicles

    A white blanket covered the dirt ground a icicle once concealed 

    The sun shone through the frigid air 

    deer trot across the arctic meadow 

    Playing in the snow that brought back childhood
  • A leaf's journey

    I fly across the glamorous glistening water 
    Through the meadows 
    Over the houses 
    Leaving my home behind. 
    When I land at my new home 
    I know it will soon become a memory. 
  • crave the sky

    Her bright dyed hair danced with the sun’s ray 

    it flowed like a tree being cut into timber as she past 

    I wanted to say how beautiful she 

    was but the words would not jump from my vast mouth
  • grasp of loss

    You grasped my hand and held it tight

    Telling me you would never hurt me 

    Soon I wish I knew your grip was as cold as fire 

    you let go but a piece of you still hung around