


13 years old


  • Piano

    Floating from one key to another 

    Like feathers falling 

    Like leaves dropping 

    Like snow fluttering onto trees  


    Just the Player and the Piano 

    In a world of their own 

  • Night Light

    Lights in the Night Sky 

    They all look so Alive 

    Making it impossible to Sleep  


    So Pretty in the Night Sky 

    Fluttering, Fleeing, and Flying by 

  • Idea

    It all Starts with a Spark 

    Then turns to a Flame  


    Must be Written 

    Must be Recited 

    Must be Remebered  


    All it takes is an Idea

    To make a Thought  

  • Writers Block

    Normally words flow right out 

    Normally thoughts come running 

    Writing it down 

    Before they can run away  


    Sitting now 

    Looking around 

    Nothing running