Individual Particularity
In my room I have my
bed, books, and my dresser, plus
my desk, which contains
a long drawer & a smaller drawer,
the former of which holds many
valuable items–
One is my notebook, -
During times like this, all I need is that feeling of diving down deep under the water & into the infinite depths of a book which tears your heart open and leaves it strewn about in pieces on the ocean floor.
Midsummer nostalgia
It makes me think
of blueberries.
Warm lake water & the
occasional rainstorm–midsummer.
Dried out tall grass bursting
with ticks who want to catch
a ride; we walk anyway. -
That Bucket Which Tipped (I'm Sorry)
and apologies
filled that bucket
which tipped, spilled,
cascaded down
onto me like
a small yet
dense portion of
Niagara Falls,
and filled my
world with
sorrowful change,