


19 years old


  • Small

    The earth
    is a giant globe
    spinning in circles

    around a giant ball of gas
    which is just a small dot
    in a galaxy
    so vast

    A galaxy
    that is only one
    of many
    in a universe
    too big
    to comprehend
  • Stress Jenga

    There is a pile of worries
    on my back
    that I carry around

    They collect there
    every day
    as different situations arise
    adding new stress
    to my supply

    They pile up
    and they hold me back
    tying me down
  • fixed

    my mind is a cluttered house
    full of knick knacks I'll never use
    but I can't bring myself
    to throw them away

    there is paint on the floor
    and writing on the walls
    and I know I need to clean up 
    but I can't
  • you, in my head

    like a tune that plays on repeat
    I see your face in my dreams
    showing up
    in unexpected places

    I can't seem to get you out of my head
    and I don't know why

    sometimes you're the bad guy
    chasing after me
  • Pancakes

    I remember waking up
    and for a minute
    not knowing where I was

    But it only took a minute
    it was all so familiar:
    the wallpaper
    the toys
    the smell

    I opened the door
    and I heard voices
    and I smelled that smell
  • Penpal

    when you left
    you wrote down your new address
    on a little scrap of paper
    gave it to me
    and you told me to write you a letter

    after you were gone
    I cried 
    I didn't know if I would see you again
    but I remembered