You know too much about me.
Too much for someone
bound to lose themselves
in the hierarchy of hourglasses,
anyway. I still can't believe you did.
My strong arms and legs
were thin and fragile
weak, you could call it -
(A commentary on global warming)
The glow of a car's headlights
sends a bright streak radiating from the sleekest of trees,
birch and beech and bright.
That's because the trees are wet. -
January Silence (weather; personified)
I think the weather is lost.
When she walks, she trips over something the rest of us can't see, something that makes her crumple to the ground. -
Culminating to nothing
Every step I take
Every move I make
is not done without purpose.
These stepping stones handcrafted
with intention,
in Desire's frothing stew, with
a spicing of perseverance
to top it off.
Every day, I let the memory -
I look pretty today,
and I hate it.
The sour leftovers
of mascara still cling to my eyelashes,
nostalgia clutching them along for the ride,
so I don't wash it off
until the memories peel my skin away
and gnaw through my heart, -
December light (weather, personified)
I think the weather is in pain.
When he walks, his head is hung, stature reeking of sour defeat, because he just can't break the snow threshold. He wants it so badly.