


15 years old


  • Ice

    The ice will crunch beneath my feet as I walk along the wooded path. 
    Strange cold patterns emerging with every step.
    I wish I could be one,
    A crack in ice stretching out to find itself,
    Not alone but entirely independent.
  • Corner lot

    Someone finally bought the corner lot
    Right next to the movie theatre
    And everyone hoped it would bring a promise,
    Something the locals could appreciate.

    But when the Porsches pulled up,
    And built up 
  • "Misfits"

    She was a small girl,
    In need of a friend.
    And they came,
    Trickles of preschool kids, turned to a steady flow.
    Now they're on her waiting list. 
    Just to see if they're cool enough or pretty enough or easygoing enough 
  • The taste of a dream

    The first bite could taste like a candied cloud,
    Moving to a rich collection of unknown spices,
    A labrinth,
    To follow to a place you might know. 
    A taste you might know.
    Do you get Deja vu?
  • Suspension

    Her candy apple hair floats in gravity
    With green highlights that are purple in the light
    Her big round eyes stare up at you from the bottom of the sea and
    What do you say then?
    She's the color of the deep now.