Emily Van Dyke

Emily Van Dyke


YWP Alumni


  • Winters breath

    I feel her sigh to me in the morning,
    as the trees reflect the bitter cold air.
    I wait for the air to sting my face, 
    and the tips of my fingers.
    i reflect back,
    to the days of the sun melting
    to my now stinging face.
  • Unnoticed by you

    Things not babied by your eyes praised by me, the smoothness of the lockers sliding against my fingernails making ticks as my fingers leave admiration, but to you silence of why the girl with the alerted eyes are finding such relief as the locker
  • You're 15

    You're 15, scared at a family reunion,
    mustering the courage to tell.
    It's noon and your plan was to have already told
    them what your lips have been dying to say.

    Your grandmother and uncle question you on what you've
  • Be my Juliet

    Be my juliet; means never give me a rose,

    let me with my lustering skin commit thousands to you.

    Be my armor but never my helmet;

    let me grasp learning, but watch me when i teach.